References in classic literature ?
Come, tell me, hast thou not seen a play acted in which kings, emperors, pontiffs, knights, ladies, and divers other personages were introduced?
Only can he be blamed for the election of Julius the Second, in whom he made a bad choice, because, as is said, not being able to elect a Pope to his own mind, he could have hindered any other from being elected Pope; and he ought never to have consented to the election of any cardinal whom he had injured or who had cause to fear him if they became pontiffs. For men injure either from fear or hatred.
The man who called himself Kalon was a magnificent creature, worthy, in a physical sense, to be the pontiff of Apollo.
An instant afterwards that pontiff, in his splendid sweeping draperies, had crossed the room in two great strides, and was towering over Joan Stacey, his blue eyes standing from his head.
resurrexit sicut dixit; alleluia!" The Pontiff, carrying in his
The autumn sun streamed down as brightly as ever, and the peaceful red path still wound in front of them through the rustling, yellow-tinted forest, Nature seemed to be too busy with her own concerns to heed the dignity of an outraged pontiff. Yet he felt a sense of weight and reproach within his breast, as though he had sinned himself in giving ear to such words.
Our predecessors on this earth thought, perhaps not without reason, that the priest, who prescribed what men should think, ought to be paramount; so the priest was king, pontiff, and judge in one, for in those days belief and faith were everything.
Therefore he took Father Brown up sharply whenever that proud pontiff tried to explain anything; and told him to answer yes or no, and tell the plain facts without any jesuitry.
Tagle last year requested the Vatican for relics of three important Pontiffs who were recently beatified or canonized, and had a close association with Manila Cathedral.
These two cartoons depicting the last two popes of the Roman Catholic Church tell it all how wide a gap exists between the two pontiffs in terms of popularity.
It is the first Papal resignation of its kind since 1415.The resignation, however, is unusual, as most of the pontiffs occupied the world's most influential religious institution until their death that included those who served in the last century as his predecessors.
Pope Gregory XII was pontiff between 1406 and 1415 and reigned at a time where the papacy was split with illegitimate pontiffs in Avignon and Pisa claiming to be the true heir to the Holy See.