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(General Physics) physics a section of a plasma having a characteristic shape
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In 1956, Bostick, a disciple of Compton, discovered the existence of plasmoids. A plasmoid is a coherent toroidal structure made up of plasma and magnetic fields.
Uzdensky, "Plasmoid and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in Sweet-Parker current sheets," Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol.
Time formation of plasmoid for 6 min with a 20,0 [+ or -] 1,2s to 9,0[+ or -]0,35s (P<0.001) for 8 min with a 11,0 [+ or -] 1,0s to 8,0 [+ or -] 0,35s (P<0.001) and 10 min.
Little plasmoid Cyto has lost his memories and must retrieve them by navigating through several dozen levels where you use his elasticity to fire him from one cell to another, eventually finding a pathway to the next level portal.
This magnetic disconnection phenomenon-a dynamic event where the magnetic fields "reconnect" across the plasma sheet, producing what is known as a plasmoid, is one explanation for what could be occurring in the series of images, which has never before directly seen before.