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a vote or expression of assent by saying the word placet
[C16: from Latin, literally: it pleases]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I only remember that Blanche and the Widow figured at it, not as "de Cominges," but as "du Placet." Why they had hitherto been "de Cominges " I do not know-- I only know that this entirely satisfied the General, that he liked the name "du Placet" even better than he had liked the name "de Cominges." On the morning of the wedding, he paced the salon in his gala attire and kept repeating to himself with an air of great gravity and importance: " Mlle.
DIGITAL BONUS Our tavorite placet to stay, eat, and play in this cool desert-coastal enclave:
Sobre un total de 2.156 votantes, Lumen gentium fue aprobada con 2.151 votos a favor y solo 5 en contra; mientras que Christus Dominus recibio 2.319 placet, 2 non placet y un voto nulo (cfr.
"Being granted an authorisation by the ANSM to proceed with our clinical study is an important milestone for Horama," Christine Placet, CEO of Horama, said in a statement.
Well, every fool is pleased with his own folly - or "cuilibet fatuo placet sua calva", as they might say in the Rees-Mogg household, where the penchant for ancient Latin extends to the name of one of his six children, who will never want for anything.
First of all, Aquinas defines beauty as "that which, being seen, gives delight" (id quod visum placet).
Office, Shopping Center) has an operating schedule to reduce energy consumption by working schedule but hospitality building has no operating schedule because occupancy patterns of rooms are different by guest's schedule (Placet et al.
205 concrepuit digitis: laborat; crebro commutat status, eccere autem capite nutat: non placet quod repperit.
(51) AN G7 716, "Placet a Monseigneur Desmaretz," references from Michelet, physician at the Oulx hospital (11 October 1707); fol.