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pi·an·o 1

 (pē-ăn′ō, pyăn′ō)
n. pl. pi·an·os
A musical instrument with a manual keyboard actuating hammers that strike wire strings, producing sounds that may be softened or sustained by means of pedals.

[Italian, short for pianoforte; see pianoforte.]

pi·a·no 2

 (pē-ä′nō, pyä′-) Music
adv. & adj. Abbr. p
In a soft or quiet tone. Used chiefly as a direction.
n. pl. pi·a·nos
A passage to be played softly or quietly.

[Italian, from Late Latin plānus, smooth, graceful, from Latin, flat; see pelə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -anos
(Instruments) a musical stringed instrument resembling a harp set in a vertical or horizontal frame, played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike the strings and produce audible vibrations. See also grand piano, upright piano
[C19: short for pianoforte]


adj, adv
(Classical Music) music (to be performed) softly. Symbol: p
[C17: from Italian, from Latin plānus flat; see plain1]


(Italian pjˈɑno)
(Biography) Renzo. born 1937, Italian architect; buildings include the Pompidou Centre, Paris (1977; with Richard Rogers), the Potsdamer Platz redevelopment, Berlin (1998), and The Shard, London (2012)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(piˈæn oʊ, ˈpyæn oʊ)

n., pl. -an•os.
a musical instrument in which felt-covered hammers, operated from a keyboard, strike upon metal strings.
[1795–1805; short for pianoforte]


(piˈɑ noʊ, ˈpyɑ-)
Music. adj.
1. soft; subdued.
2. softly. Abbr.: p
[1675–85; < Italian: soft, low (of sounds), plain, flat < Latin plānus plain1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.piano - a keyboard instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce soundspiano - a keyboard instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce sounds
fallboard, fall-board - the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played
grand piano, grand - a piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs
keyboard - device consisting of a set of keys on a piano or organ or typewriter or typesetting machine or computer or the like
keyboard instrument - a musical instrument that is played by means of a keyboard
mechanical piano, Pianola, player piano - a mechanically operated piano that uses a roll of perforated paper to activate the keys
percussion instrument, percussive instrument - a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by one object striking another
piano action - action consisting of a system of levers that move a felt hammer to strike the strings when a key is depressed
clavier, piano keyboard, fingerboard - a bank of keys on a musical instrument
soft pedal - a pedal on a piano that moves the action closer to the strings and so soften the sound
soundboard, sounding board - (music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument
stringed instrument - a musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound
loud pedal, sustaining pedal - a pedal on a piano that lifts the dampers from the strings and so allows them to continue vibrating
upright piano, upright - a piano with a vertical sounding board
2.piano - (music) low loudness
softness - a sound property that is free from loudness or stridency; "and in softness almost beyond hearing"
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
Adj.1.piano - used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the piano passages in the composition"
forte, loud - used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the forte passages in the composition"
Adv.1.piano - used as a direction in music; to be played relatively softly
forte, loudly - used as a direction in music; to be played relatively loudly
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
بيانو: آلة موسيقيهبِيَّانُو
đàn piano


A. N (pianos (pl)) → piano m
B. CPD piano accordion Nacordeón-piano m
piano concerto Nconcierto m para piano
piano duet Npieza f para piano a cuatro manos
piano lesson Nlección f de piano
piano piece Npieza f para piano
piano player Npianista mf
piano stool Ntaburete m de piano
piano teacher Nprofesor(a) m/f de piano
piano tuner Nafinador(a) m/f de pianos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[piˈɑːnəʊ piˈænəʊ]
npiano m
to have piano lessons → prendre des leçons de piano
I have piano lessons → Je prends des leçons de piano.
to play the piano → jouer du piano
I play the piano → Je joue du piano.
modif [duet, trio] → de piano; [sonata, music] → pour pianopiano accordion n (British)accordéon m à touchespiano concerto nconcerto m pour pianopiano lesson nleçon f de pianopiano piece nmorceau m pour pianopiano stool ntabouret m de pianopiano teacher nprofesseur mf de pianopiano tuner naccordeur/euse m/f de pianos
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n (upright) → Klavier nt, → Piano nt (geh, old); (= grand piano)Flügel m; who was at or on the piano?wer war am Klavier?
adv (Mus) → piano, leise
adjpiano, leise; the piano sectiondas Piano


piano accordion
nPianoakkordeon nt
piano concerto
n (form)Pianoforte nt
piano keys
plKlaviertasten pl


piano lesson
piano music
nKlaviermusik f
piano player
nKlavierspieler(in) m(f)
piano recital
piano stool
piano teacher
nKlavierlehrer(in) m(f)
piano tuner
nKlavierstimmer(in) m(f)
piano wire
nKlaviersaitendraht m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. npiano(forte) m
2. adj (lesson, teacher) → di piano(forte); (concerto, stool) → per piano(forte)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(piˈӕnəu) plural piˈanos noun
a large musical instrument played by pressing keys which make hammers strike stretched wires. She plays the piano very well; (also adjective) piano music.
pianist (ˈpiənist) noun
a person who plays the piano.
piˌano-acˈcordion noun
a type of accordion with a keyboard like that of a piano.
pianoforte (piӕnəuˈfoːti) noun
a piano.
grand piano
a large piano in which the wires are stretched horizontally.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بِيَّانُو klavír klaver Klavier πιάνο piano piano piano klavir piano ピアノ 피아노 piano piano fortepian piano пианино piano เปียโน piyano đàn piano 钢琴
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
But Beth, though yearning for the grand piano, could not pluck up courage to go to the `Mansion of Bliss', as Meg called it.
Hammerdown had the honour to offer for public competition that day it is not our purpose to make mention, save of one only, a little square piano, which came down from the upper regions of the house (the state grand piano having been disposed of previously); this the young lady tried with a rapid and skilful hand (making the officer blush and start again), and for it, when its turn came, her agent began to bid.
Two Thieves having stolen a Piano and being unable to divide it fairly without a remainder went to law about it and continued the contest as long as either one could steal a dollar to bribe the judge.
At an early hour in the evening the Farival twins were prevailed upon to play the piano. They were girls of fourteen, always clad in the Virgin's colors, blue and white, having been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin at their baptism.
It is just his fantastic dreams, his vulgar folly that he will desire to retain, simply in order to prove to himself--as though that were so necessary--that men still are men and not the keys of a piano, which the laws of nature threaten to control so completely that soon one will be able to desire nothing but by the calendar.
The discord of the roaring "people" (still echoing in his ears) had sharpened his customary sensibility to the poetry of sound, as composed by Mozart, and as interpreted by piano and violin.
Harling and Nina and Antonia made as much noise as a houseful of children, and there was usually somebody at the piano. Julia was the only one who was held down to regular hours of practising, but they all played.
Then he sold his piano, and let the mice live in a bureau-drawer.
The piano we may ignore, for I knew it to be hired, but there were many dainty pieces, mostly in green wood, a sofa, a corner cupboard, and a most captivating desk, which was so like its owner that it could have sat down at her and dashed off a note.
Eugenie bowed coldly to the count, and availed herself of the first moment when the conversation became earnest to escape to her study, whence very soon two cheerful and noisy voices being heard in connection with occasional notes of the piano assured Monte Cristo that Mademoiselle Danglars preferred to his society and to that of M.
"Kitty plays, and we have a piano, not a good one, it's true, but you will give us so much pleasure," said the princess with her affected smile, which Kitty disliked particularly just then, because she noticed that Varenka had no inclination to sing.
She takes off her cloak; puts her fan and flowers on the piano; and sits down on the bench, brooding and silent.