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Related to penality: penalty, penalty kick


(Law) the quality or condition of being penal
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'Penality shootout is a lottery and they can go either way, but at the end of it all Botswana came with a strategy, but we could have finished the game in the first half, but we didn't take our chances,' she said.
'As per the agreement with the company, it had to operate the buses and if it missed a bus trip it had to pay the penality,' Mr Shah said.
ANKARA, Oct 29 (KUNA) -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday he would ratify reintroduction of the death penality once the parliament passed it.
Other reforms that they would like to implement include the imposition of a higher penality against adults who would use minors in their criminal activities and the insertion of a new provision that those offenders above 15 but below 18-years-old, and were not first-time violators, will be treated as adult violators.
The author has organized the main body of his text in eight chapters focused on neoliberal penality, productive injustice, innocent citizens and guilty subjects, and a variety of other related subjects.
The match was decided on the penality kicks which was won by Bahawal Club by scoring four goals.
He urged for the introduction of a moratorium aiming to abolish the death penality. The Comobi plea refers to Pope Benedict's quote in Africae Munus that "together with the Synod members, I draw the attention of society's leaders to the need to make every effort to eliminate the death penalty".
As per the new provision drunk driving would be dealt with high penality and even jail term.
Imagine what kind of torment it inflicts on young men and women of faith who are grappling with their sexuality, while at the same time knowing that the penality for being true to themselves is to be ostracised by church and community.
Unsurprisingly, a larger, more theoretical context involves Michel Foucault and those who have built on his ideas over the past thirty years, ideas which have inspired Canuel but which he departs from in seeking a less abstract,more textually grounded study of the relationship between reformed punishment and its subjects: 'The basic function of penality requires the imaginative work at the heart of fictional constructions' (p.
Both defendants face the death penality if convicted.