References in periodicals archive ?
You can minimize it, but you cannot stop it as long as police officers in the field are getting a share of the payola,' he said.
Selected PNP regional officials are individually given millions of pesos monthly as payola.
Singer Squires in 'payola' allegations Singing star Dorothy Squires and BBC radio producer Jack Dabbs were among a number of people arrested and charged with allegedly trying to bribe a BBC radio producer as part of a scheme to make him play certain records.
Hence, an independent task force is necessary to investigate such allegation and to eventually clear everybody, who is allegedly benefiting from such payola," the board resolution read.
Some corrupt government officials, especially the unscrupulous members of the PNP, have embraced the poison of payola from illegal games.
Colangco said he also paid P100,000 (Dh8,333) 'PR' (public relations) payola" so he could "bring in contrabands [to sell at the NBP]".
The Friday Night Rock Show star was named by a BBC producer as one of the "guilty ones" in the payola scandal that shook the Beeb in the 70s.
The accuser told the News of the World after it exposed the sex-for-airplay "payola" scandal: "I am a BBC producer [radio] and not amused by the way you've smeared myself [and] my colleagues.
Be careful using the word "payola" around Nathan Hanks.
You might say he was this city's answer to Alan Freed, without the payola nonsense.
On the other, it's also a catalogue of all the things that have threatened to kill country music over the years: Elvis Presley, the record companies trying to turn country stars into syrupy, cross-over pop artists, studio musicians being worked almost to death, the payola scandals...