
(redirected from pattee)


(ˈpæteɪ; ˈpætɪ)
(often postpositive) (of a cross) having triangular arms widening outwards
[from French patte paw]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In addition, David Pattee, audit managing director of Deloitte, will join the committee as the new treasurer, and Christopher Simboli, of counsel at Parsons Behle & Latimer, will serve as the new secretary.
The artists include Isabel Bonilla, Christa Hardy, Ethan Mackie, Steve Pattee and Madelyne Joan Templeton.
The Duchess of Sussex individual and joint monograms with Prince Harry are topped by a coronet that features two crosses pattee, four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves.
wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo; ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus), supplying feed resulted in increased chick production, earlier nest initiation and improved body condition (Pattee and Beasom 1979, Draycott et al.
On 5 March 2016 we discovered a pair of Common Ravens early in the process of constructing a nest in the Pattee Canyon Recreation Area, Missoula County, Montana (46.82269[degrees]N, 113.92438[degrees]W; 1268 m elevation).
"Students who are using technology are engaged in much higher levels of thinking," says superintendent Andy Pattee.
He founded Branstad and Associates, LLC, and was a partner in the firm of Kaufman, Pattee, Branstad & Miller, and a financial advisor for Robert W.
American information philosopher Howard Pattee emphasizes that, "we must make a sharp cut, a disjunction, just in order to speak of knowledge as being 'about' something or 'standing for' whatever it refers to." As Pattee observes, an epistemic cut is required between initial conditions all dynamical laws; control variables are separate from dynamical system variables.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: aleph; aptly; heap; heeltap; help; hype; leap; leapt; pale; palette; paly; pate; pate; path; patly; pattee; patty; payee; peal; peat; peaty; peel; pelt; pelta; peltate; petal; petty; plat; plate; play; plea; pleat; tape; telepath; TELEPATHY; tepal; typal; type; yelp.
Pattee. (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2013.
(Newcomb, Bukowski & Pattee, (1993) Coie, (1990), Leary, Kowalski, Smith, and Phillips (2003).