References in classic literature ?
He came to the contest, it is true, with no weapons more formidable than common sense, and some little knowledge of the habits of his country as contrasted with that of his adversary; but with these homebred implements he never failed to repulse the father with something of the power with which a nervous cudgel player would deal with a skilful master of the rapier, setting at nought his passados by the direct and unanswerable arguments of a broken head and a shivered weapon.
No caso de Joana, Violante, Leonor de Sa, e de outras mulheres e de outros homens, suas historias construidas a partir da narracao das viagens que empreenderam, dos relatos das guerras movidas em Goa, dos naufragios; nas descricoes das festividades hindus, sao mais do que meros relatos dos acontecimentos passados. Elas formam um caldo cultural representativo de um periodo, de uma nacao, refletindo no presente a imagem caleidoscopica sob a qual a memoria cultural ganha espaco para novas abordagens e redefinicoes.
A mae recasara passados apenas dois anos de viuvez.
SALT CODSWALLOP After 25 years working here, Portugese ex Cambridge prof and buff TV boffin Joao Magueijo has topped the best-sellers back home with his book Bifes Mal Passados (Undercooked Steaks) saying the British are all sex-mad drunks.