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A verse form composed of quatrains in which the second and fourth lines are repeated as the first and third lines of the following quatrain.

[French, printer's error (in the first edition of Victor Hugo's Les Orientales (1829), which discussed the pantoum and began its popularization in French poetry) for pantoun, from Malay pantun, quatrain with a deliberately indirect allusive connection between the first couplet and the last, pantoum, perhaps from Krama (ceremonial form of Javanese in which words are phonetically deformed by adding nasals to the end of syllables), from Javanese pari, phrase, comparison, perhaps ultimately short for Sanskrit paribhāṣya-, (thing) to be stated, defined, or taught, from paribhāṣate, to explain, define : pari-, around; see per in Indo-European roots + bhāṣate, to speak.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Poetry) prosody a verse form consisting of a series of quatrains in which the second and fourth lines of each verse are repeated as the first and third lines of the next
[C19: via French from Malay pantun]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The second day of the workshop introduced the idea of composing research poems using the French Malaysian pantoum poem format, which comprises a sequence of "repetitive lines [that allow] for the repetition of salient or emotionally evocative themes" (Furman, Lietz, & Langer, 2006, p.
Pantoum," where the repetition allows an inquiry to evolve into
Conventions are legible because of patterns, and in The Years Woolf creates new patterns, building a complex structure within the exhausted form, paying close attention to the repetition of particular phrases, colors, sounds, and objects through the book, making The Years into something like a novelistic pantoum.5
Denise Duhamel's Scald deploys that casual-Friday Duhamel diction so effortlessly a reader might think heck, I could write like that , but then the dazzling leaps and forms begin--"Snake Pantoum," "Conceptual Villanelle"-- And Duhamel's sentences don't even break a sweat, sailing on with her trademark mix of irony, grrrl power, and low-key technical virtuosity, like if Frank O'Hara, Carrie Brownstein, and Elizabeth Bishop had a baby.
In keeping with the Malay-Indonesian tradition, the author concludes with a traditional quatrain (pantoum), self-debasingly asking for guidance (p.
Having immersed himself in historical poetic forms, Schultz now creates his own form, a variant played upon yet another historical form, the pantoum, to make concrete the process of regenerating private history and making it public.
And "Transit," her moving pantoum, takes us on an archetypal life journey.
A variety of forms are represented, from free verse to haiku, pantoum, rhymed stanzas, blank verse, and syllabics.
The four movements, Modere, Pantoum, Passacaille and Final, were performed beautifully by Buckland Reisner, Gordon and Burleson.
The section opens with a deeply moving pantoum, "My Brother at 3 A.M.," among the very finest examples of this difficult form I know.
This is a poetry that is both generated by and organised around lists and litanies, is based on principles of bricolage, quotation and sampling (usually from popular culture), and appears to favour structures--the pantoum or sestina, found poetry, overheard utterance--in wary avoidance of what we might call the tricky business of authority.
shows notable variants from the first edition (published 1w Durand in June 1915, several months after the work's concert premiere on 28 January), particularly in the "Pantoum" second movement where it presents some different instrumental textures and one less measure on its last page.