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Related to overtook: overtaken


Past tense of overtake.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Frou-Frou, excited and over-nervous, had lost the first moment, and several horses had started before her, but before reaching the stream, Vronsky, who was holding in the mare with all his force as she tugged at the bridle, easily overtook three, and there were left in front of him Mahotin's chestnut Gladiator, whose hind-quarters were moving lightly and rhythmically up and down exactly in front of Vronsky, and in front of all, the dainty mare Diana bearing Kuzovlev more dead than alive.
Yashvin overtook him with his cap, and led him home, and half an hour later Vronsky had regained his self-possession.
They never overtook the chimerical friend, yet Andrea frequently inquired of people on foot whom he passed and at the inns which were not yet closed, for a green cabriolet and bay horse; and as there are a great many cabriolets to be seen on the road to the Low Countries, and as nine-tenths of them are green, the inquiries increased at every step.
A feeling of exultation overtook her, as if some power of significant import had been given her to control the working of her body and her soul.
The next day, December 10th, they overtook the advance party, who were all as much famished as themselves, some of them not having eaten since the morning of the seventh.
It looked as if Milka would immediately pounce on the hare, but she overtook him and flew past.
"While not everyone overtook our cyclist in an ideal manner, it is encouraging none of the driving was of a level which required drivers to be charged with reckless driving.
"All of a sudden, a red Peugeot came flying behind me and overtook us both, narrowly missing a tow truck coming towards us.
According to a Rescue 1122 press release, the jeep overtook the car from the wrong side and later on hit two motorcycles and fell into Nowshehra Minor canal.
'Just before the bridge, the driver of the Nissan overtook a matatu.
"The defendant decided to go into the outside lane and overtook the vehicles.
Ricciardo overtook Raikkonen to get behind his teammate, who was catching up with Hamilton.