

vb (tr)
to pack or load too much into or onto
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I found myself in such a messy situation when I realised I had a million and one things to pack for my trip yet I didn't want to overpack
But I always overpack, we have five games and I bring eight ties instead of five.
Keep it simple Don't overpack your space, and keep lines straight and clean.
More passengers could have been on board, he said, as operators often overpack them.
"It depends where I'm going, the weather of my destination, and also my mood--so I tend to overpack! But it's good to have lots of options!" Liz added that with her Cathay Pacific miles, she also has lots of options when it comes to destinations around the world.
In current safety cases in Japan, the bentonite buffer has two key roles, protection of the overpack containing HLW so that lifetimes of >[10.sup.3] years can be guaranteed and, to act as a colloid filter after overpack failure [23-25], so that solubility limits can be applied to some important radionuclides.
Don't overpack: You need to be able to carry your baggage around with ease so remember to pack light.
THOUSANDS of us will soon go on holiday - here are four tips for perfect packing: 1 Be ruthless and don't overpack your case.
* Adding minimum sizes for the OVERPACK and SALVAGE markings;
Don't overpack and put undue stress on your bags' zippers and seams.