

vb (tr)
(Agriculture) (of a crop, country, etc) to yield more than
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Hybrids outyield inbred varieties, and therefore more and more of the progressive farmers are switching to hybrids.
Mot only did it outyield the Pioneer corn by 40 bushels/acre, it was also a top-yielder on my farm--209 bushels/acre, despite a very wet season.
Boron tolerance did provided a yield advantage for lentils growing in the hostile soil, where the cumulative effect of having B tolerance combined with [Na.sup.+] tolerance (as in 02-355L*03Hs005) was to outyield CIPAL415, which despite having [Na.sup.+] tolerance is moderately intolerant to high B.
This hypothesis is supported by the observation that earlier maturing cultivars tended to outyield later maturing cultivars at sites adjacent to Tests 1 and 2 that year (Heitholt and Meredith, 1998).
The TK2T and RT2T clearly outyield the standard trellis; after four crop years the former two systems had produced total crops of c.
Hybrid rice, a type of rice that has been bred from two very different parents, can significantly outyield other rice varieties, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) said.
Bred for heat tolerance, Squire will outyield Vates, the standard variety, by up to 80 percent.
Winter canola cultivars usually outyield spring types, when they are grown in optimal environments (Downey and Rakow, 1987; Thomas, 1984).
Hybrid is a type of rice that has been bred from two very different parents and it significantly outyields other rice varieties.
"We're happy we did as it comfortably outyielded all our other seed crops.
In fact, it produced significantly higher yields across years and cultivars at only three sites (NC, [TN.sub.1], and [VA.sub.1]), and it was outyielded by the lower-input management at the WV site.