

(ɒmˈnɪfɪk) or


rare creating all things
[C17: via Medieval Latin from Latin omni- + -ficus, from facere to do]
omˈnificence n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He is omnific, omniform, omnipercipient, omniscience, omnipotent.
Silence, ye troubl'd waves, and thou Deep, peace, Said then th' Omnific Word, your discord end:
(14) Besides the allusions to Paradise Lost in The Magician's Nephew discussed later in this article, other parts of Milton's epic given homage in Lewis's novel include the Son rather than the Father creating Earth (7.163-167 and 7.587-591); "another world" (7.155) being created after a revolt in an earlier-created realm; the Son speaking "the omnific word" (7.217) in creation (with its negative parallel in Jadis's destructive "Deplorable Word" [MN 5.66]); the creation of light as accompanied by a singing host, "celestial choirs" for Milton (7.253-260) and stars for Lewis (MN 8.107); and a warning that a person with evil intent will attempt to undermine the new world (Raphael warning Adam about Satan [5.519543, 6.895-912], with Aslan warning the Talking Animals).
"Our team at South Wales and the hugely talented interior designers at Omnific can be extremely proud of the hard work they've put into creating such a stunning show home.
(7.166-73) When "th' omnific Word" (7.217) pauses in Chaos, the moment of Creation occurs not as a separation of water from matter, light from dark, but first and foremost as a demarcation of limits:
Reynard's work Gabriel's Inferno was first published in March 2011 by Omnific Publishing, the publishing arm of fanfic archive
In October 2012, she published another supernatural romance, "Reaping Me Softly," with Omnific Publishing in Texas.
"Gabriel's Inferno" and its follow-up, "Gabriel's Rapture," originally titled "The University of Edward Mason," began as an online serial based on "Twilight." After gaining a devoted fan base, the stories were eventually distributed by indie publishing house Omnific before being picked up by Berkley Trade (NYSE: PSO) for paperback publication in August.
Omnific Publishing, a female-owned and operated independent publishing company specialising in romantic literature, announced on Friday that Penguin Group (USA) has acquired rights from the company to publish two of Sylvain Reynard's titles, Gabriel's Inferno and Gabriel's Rapture.
Showcasing the style, quality and space that buyers can expect from a family home at the site set in the heart of Midlothian, the show homes have been brought to life by interior designer, Nicky Oxley, of Omnific Designs.
(8) William Findlay, "Diaskeuasts of the Omnific Word," Cencrastus: Scottish and International Literature, Arts and Affairs, 23 (1986): 48-52, discusses Young's attempts to revive Scottish vernacular humanism through translation.