References in classic literature ?
Do go out of the way of the bad odour! Withdraw from the idolatry of the superfluous!
Do go out of the way of the bad odour! Withdraw from the steam of these human sacrifices!
Empty are still many sites for lone ones and twain ones, around which floateth the odour of tranquil seas.
And through the window came a wandering--perhaps a lost--odour--a delicate, sweet odour of lilac that fixed the broker for a moment immovable.
The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him.
It dawned upon me to what end the puma and the other animals-- which had now been brought with other luggage into the enclosure behind the house--were destined; and a curious faint odour, the halitus of something familiar, an odour that had been in the background of my consciousness hitherto, suddenly came forward into the forefront of my thoughts.
"Sir, I beg leave to point out that I have set on foot an implacable odour."
Presently, with an odour of cooking, the Frau Professor came in, a short, very stout woman with tightly dressed hair and a red face; she had little eyes, sparkling like beads, and an effusive manner.
They walked along the side of a hill among pine-trees, and their pleasant odour caused Philip a keen delight.
He became conscious of a mysteriously offensive odour in the room, entirely new in his experience of revolting smells.
This strange blending of odours consisted of something faintly and unpleasantly aromatic, mixed with another underlying smell, so unutterably sickening that he threw open the window, and put his head out into the fresh air, unable to endure the horribly infected atmosphere for a moment longer.
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