References in periodicals archive ?
"We call our approach Wi-Fi-assisted Inertial Odometry (WIO)," says Raghav Venkatnarayan, co-corresponding author of a paper on the work and a Ph.D.
Autonomous cars need to navigate their environments independent of human input, detecting changes on the road through radars, lidars, odometry, computer vision and GPS.
The Jetson Xavier can perform sensor processing, localisation and mapping, vision and perception, odometry and path planning.
develop a novel approach incorporating the sun sensor and inclinometer measurements directly into the visual odometry pipeline to reduce the error growth of path estimation, and the resulting localization error is only 1.1% of a 10-km distance travelled [11].
This architecture consists of multirobots and multisensors including laser range finder (LRF) sensors, localization sonars, gyro odometry, Kinect-sensor, RGB-D camera, and other proprioceptive sensors mounted on board multiple robots.
Besides, the author only proposed LiDAR odometry and mapping algorithms.
Ground-truth odometry from an OXTS RT 3000 GPS/IMU system is provided in a separate text file.
on the other hand, for the local navigation sensors like a gyroscope, odometry or infrared could be used.
Apple's ARKit, which will be integrated with iOS 11 uses a tracking technology called Visual Inertial Odometry to the track the world around a device.