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v. o·bliged, o·blig·ing, o·blig·es
1. To compel or require (someone) to do something, as by circumstance or legality: When the power went out, we were obliged to fetch water with a bucket. The contract obliges you to meet the deadline.
2. To make indebted or grateful: I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.
3. To do a service or favor for: They obliged us by arriving early.
To do a service or favor: The soloist obliged with yet another encore.

[Middle English obligen, from Old French obligier, from Latin obligāre : ob-, to; see ob- + ligāre, to bind; see leig- in Indo-European roots.]

o·blig′er n.
Synonyms: oblige, accommodate, favor
These verbs mean to perform a service or a courteous act for: She obliged me by keeping the personal matter quiet. My brother is accommodating me by lending me money. The singer favored the audience with an encore. See Also Synonyms at force.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.obliger - someone who performs a service or does a favorobliger - someone who performs a service or does a favor
benefactor, helper - a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Instead, the financiers sent five representatives: Stefawo Leo, Maria Simeon, Daniele Di Mrio Birgh Dollman and Peter Haiteingerer.Why the National Treasury did not issue a sovereign guarantee, an assurance that all obligations would be satisfied when, and if, the primary obliger defaulted, is not clear.
Compte tenu de la [beaucoup moins que] tres forte dependance [beaucoup plus grand que] du leader chinois a l'egard du marche americain des semi-conducteurs, une telle suspension des livraisons pourrait [beaucoup moins que] obliger la Chine a retarder la construction du reseau de la 5G jusqu'a ce que l'interdiction soit levee [beaucoup plus grand que], estime Ryan Koontz, analyste chez Rosenblatt Securities.
Il a ajoute que les pouvoirs publics ont egalement cette tache d'obliger les operateurs de fournie les informations precontractuelles claire et loyale au consommateur ainsi que de proteger les interets physiques (qualite des produits).
If the plan is confirmed and some other conditions are satisfied on or before 22 December 2018 (the date on which such conditions are satisfied, the escrow release date), the escrow issuers will merge with and into the company, which will become the obliger under the notes.
La situation dangereuse dans les Territoires palestiniens, ajoute le message, necessite des efforts serieux de la part des puissances internationales pour arreter immediatement la vile agression contre le peuple palestinien et obliger Isral a opter pour la paix au lieu de la violence et le crime, et ce en adoptant une approche constructive et creative.
Al-Massar a, quant a lui, appele a adopter une position ferme et a solliciter rapidement le Conseil de securite pour agir en vue de stopper , sans delai, les agressions Israeliennes et obliger l'occupant a se conformer aux resolutions de l'ONU et donner au peuple palestinien son droit a un Etat independant ayant Al-Qods pour capitale.
The issuance was through the bank's leasing subsidiary, Bereket Varlik Kiralama, while the obliger is Al Baraka Turk Participation Bank.
La TTF risque d'affecter les operations de refinancement a court terme des banques, ce qui pourrait obliger la Banque centrale europeenne a leur venir en aide, a-t-il dit.
Le traitement des metastases pancreatiques uniques du cancer du rein se fait par voie chirurgicale, la duodenopancreatectomie cephalique et la pancreatectomie gauche etant les modalites les plus souvent utilisees,[sup.1,4] mais parfois le caractere multiple des metastases peut obliger a recourir a une pancreatectomie subtotale[sup.4].