References in classic literature ?
It was thought and said that she was intellectual; it was suspected of her that she wrote under a nom de guerre.
"That name sounds strange to you," said Athos, smiling; "it was my nom de guerre when Monsieur D'Artagnan, two other gallant friends and myself performed some feats of arms at the siege of La Rochelle, under the deceased cardinal and Monsieur de Bassompierre.
"Quel nom a cetter jeune demoiselle en les pantoulles jolis?"
Monsieur a parle de vous: il m'a demande le nom de ma gouvernante, et si elle n'etait pas une petite personne, assez mince et un peu pale.
It was in old French, and ran somewhat in this way: Or avant, entre nous tous freres Battons nos charognes bien fort En remembrant la grant misere De Dieu et sa piteuse mort Qui fut pris en la gent amere Et vendus et trais a tort Et bastu sa chair, vierge et dere Au nom de ce battons plus fort.
Every man of them ought to have a statue, and on the pedestal words like those of the noblest ruffian of the Revolution: 'Que mon nom soit fletri; que la France soit libre.'"
The NOM will be dispatched to shareholders on 9 August 2019 and the EGM will be held on 12 September 2019.
We know it can be hard to be inspired in the kitchen if you are trying to lose weight and all we ever wanted to do with Pinch Of Nom is to help people create delicious home cooked slimming meals that don't taste bland or boring.
Dans la fabrique de l'imagination nominale, il y a, comme dit Barthes, une [beaucoup moins que]affinite naturelle[beaucoup plus grand que] entre la sonorite du nom et les differentes significations que lui octroie le narrateur.
The center further said that the Iraqi forces captured Ferat Velayat (province) security Commander Saddam Omar Yahya al-Jamal nom de guerre Abu Roqiyeh al-Ansari, al-Mayadeen emir (commander) Mohammad Hossen Hazar nom de guerre Abu Seif al-Sha'eiti, Osam Abdul Qadir Ashour al-Zobei nom de guerre Abu Abdul Haq Araghi, Intelligence Commander in Ferat Velayat and Commander in al-Mayadeen region Omar Shahab Hamad al-Karbouli and Ismayeel Alwan Salman nom de guerre Abu Zeid Araghi, an aide to al-Baghdadi in an operation in Syria.