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(ˈneɪlˌsɛt) or

nail punch

(Tools) a punch for driving the head of a nail below or flush with the surrounding surface
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Tape measure, yardstick, protractor, circular or table saw, electric drill, C-clamp, hammer, nailset, and carpenter's square.
To add interest to the surface and before fitting it over the plywood, we dimpled the copper (from the underside) using a hammer and nailset. We heated the metal with a propane torch to slightly discolor it and rubbed the top with fine steel wool to give the surface a duller sheen.
Use a hammer and a broad nailset to drive any popped nail heads below the surface of the deck.
Small, cupped head makes this nail easy to sink below the wood surface (called countersinking, this is done with the help of a nailset) so it doesn't show on the finished piece.
Use a nailset to punch nails flush or slightly below the deck's surface.
Tools include a sewing machine, saw, nailset, and an electric drill with a 1/4-inch bit and a long-shanked pilot bit for countersinking the woodscrews (this bit has a 5/16-inch-wide upper flange).