
(redirected from meinie)


(ˈmeɪnɪ) or


n, pl meinies
1. a retinue or household
2. Scot a crowd
[C13: from Old French mesnie, from Vulgar Latin mansiōnāta (unattested), from Latin mansiō a lodging; see mansion]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Meiny, Meine

 a family; a body of attendants; a company of people employed together; a great number; the multitude, 1609. See also flock, retinue, train.
Examples: meiny of attendants; of brooks; of chessmen (a set); of cranes, 1484; of geese, 1484; of male foals, 1522; of oxen, 1530; of people, 1609; of pilgrims, 1442; of plants, 1530; of discontented puritans, 1670; of rascals, 1529; of sheep, 1522; of sparrows, 1556; of villains, 1529.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Speaking to reporters in Kabul on the anniversary of the deadly Kunduz strike, MSF president Meinie Nicolai said the organization has "recorded 77 attacks against medical facilities operated or supported by MSF in Syria and Yemen", RT reported.
"We strongly ask them to live up to their ethics and agreement to the Geneva Convention and to respect civilians and medical work, specifically in war zones," said Meinie Nicolai, president of MSF's Operational Center in Brussels.
"The threshold that must be crossed for this deadly incident to amount to a grave breach of international humanitarian law is not whether it was intentional or not," Meinie Nicolai, the president of Doctors Without Borders, said in a statement."With multinational coalitions fighting with different rules of engagement across a wide spectrum of wars today, whether in Afghanistan, Syria, or Yemen, armed groups cannot escape their responsibilities on the battlefield simply by ruling out the intent to attack a protected structure such as a hospital."
#MSF President Meinie Nicolai "We cannot accept that this horrific loss of life will simply be dismissed as collateral damage" #Afghanistan
"This attack is abhorrent and a grave violation of International Humanitarian Law," said Meinie Nicolai, MSF President.
Both Ruskin and Emerson perceive correspondences between nature and human nature; Emerson's declaration that the facts of natural history are barren until they are "in any way associated to human nature" (CW 1.19) seems almost to anticipate Ruskin's mythopoeic natural history books, Proserpina, Love's Meinie, and Deucalion.
rank-scented meinie" (3.1.70), ever fickle, subject to appetites.
His mother's calls for calm and the patricians' appeals seemed to win him over and to move him within striking distance of being acclaimed by the crowd, yet electioneering brought out his arrogance and contempt for "the mutable, rank-scented meinie," the many menials he was supposed to oblige and flatter (3.1.87).
Ruskin's science textbooks of the 1870s and 1880s, Love's Meinie (1873-81), Deucalion (1875-83), and Proserpina (1875-86), outlined the bases of an alternative, joyful science and this conflictual practice--'I want to turn botany upside down', he characteristically told Lady Trevelyan at the end of May 1865 (30)--had its roots in the eighteenth-century practices of natural philosophy Ruskin admired.
The late science books - Love's Meinie, Deucalion, Proserpina - are strangely absent, however, and, given their concern with the natural environment and the impact of empirical science upon our perception of it, I would have thought them worthy of more consideration.
A scholar of enormously varied interests, he wrote works on botany, Proserpina (1875 - 86); ornithology, Love's Meinie (1873 - 78); and geology, Deucalion (1875 - 83); and an unfinished autobiography, Praeterita (1885 - 89).
In lectures at Oxford that became the books Proserpina (1875-82) and Love's Meinie (1873) he reaffirms the spiritual-moral theoria, a uniquely human capacity, as a source of art, against Darwin's materialist analysis that animals have an aesthetic sense and that the sense of the beautiful developed because it was useful in sexual selection.