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(ˌmærɪˈpəʊzə; -sə)
(Plants) any of several liliaceous plants of the genus Calochortus, of the southwestern US and Mexico, having brightly coloured tulip-like flowers. Also called: mariposa lily or mariposa tulip
[C19: from Spanish: butterfly; from the likeness of the blooms to butterflies]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mariposa - any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petalsmariposa - any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals; southwestern United States and Mexico
liliaceous plant - plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber
Calochortus, genus Calochortus - large genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs
Calochortus elegans, elegant cat's ears, star tulip - small plant with slender bent stems bearing branched clusters of a few white star-shaped flowers with petals shaped like cat's ears; southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon to Montana
Calochortus kennedyi, desert mariposa tulip - mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico
Calochortus luteus, yellow mariposa tulip - mariposa having clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; California coastal ranges
Calochortus macrocarpus, sagebrush mariposa tulip - mariposa having loose clusters of one to three handsome lilac flowers resembling umbels atop stout erect stems; arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Two days later, as the steamer Mariposa plied her customary route between Tahiti and San Francisco, the passengers ceased playing deck quoits, abandoned their card games in the smoker, their novels and deck chairs, and crowded the rail to stare at the small boat that skimmed to them across the sea before a light following breeze.
"I'm a steward," Dag Daughtry told the Mariposa's captain, "and I'll be glad and grateful to berth along with your stewards in the glory-hole.
"Captain Hayward," one of them demanded of the steamer's skipper, "could a whale sink the Mariposa?"
Nine days later the Mariposa threaded the Golden Gate and docked at San Francisco.
The Mary Turner's cat was adopted by the sailors' forecastle of the Mariposa, and on the Mariposa sailed away on the back trip to Tahiti.
The hillside was covered with Mariposa lilies and wild hyacinth, down through which his horse dropped slowly, with circumspect feet and reluctant gait.
In the open spaces on the slope, beyond the farthest shadow-reach of the manzanita, poised the mariposa lilies, like so many flights of jewelled moths suddenly arrested and on the verge of trembling into flight again.
Fiona Alison Duncan; EXQUISITE MARIPOSA; Soft Skull Press (Fiction: General) 16.95 ISBN: 9781593765781
at the Mariposa Meander Pollinator Garden in Woodstock.
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 31, 2018-Entertainment Cruises Acquires Mariposa Cruises to Enter Canadian Market