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low·er 1

 (lou′ər, lour) also lour (lour)
intr.v. low·ered, low·er·ing, low·ers also loured or lour·ing or lours
1. To look angry, sullen, or threatening. See Synonyms at frown.
2. To appear dark or stormy, as the sky.
1. A threatening, sullen, or angry look.
2. A dark or stormy appearance: the lower of thunderheads.

[Middle English louren.]

low′er·ing·ly adv.

low·er 2

adj. Comparative of low 2
1. Below another in rank, position, or authority.
2. Physically situated below a similar or comparable thing: a lower shelf.
3. Lower Geology & Archaeology Relating to or being an earlier or older division of the period named.
4. Biology Less complex in organization or having traits similar to those of organisms that evolved earlier in the history of life on Earth.
5. Denoting the larger and usually more representative house of a bicameral legislature.
v. low·ered, low·er·ing, low·ers
1. To let, bring, or move down to a lower level.
2. To reduce in value, degree, or quality.
3. To weaken; undermine: lower one's energy.
4. To reduce in standing or respect.
1. To move down: Her hand lowered.
2. To become less; diminish: The temperature has lowered gradually this month.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.lowered - below the surround or below the normal position; "with lowered eyes"
raised - located or moved above the surround or above the normal position; "a raised design"; "raised eyebrows"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"Lower its head, lower it!" he said to a soldier who had accidentally lowered the French eagle he was holding before the Preobrazhensk standards.
By the assistance of some rudely constructed machinery, the heavily laden basket was now carefully lowered down among the multitude; and, from the giddy pinnacle, the Romans were seen gathering confusedly round it; but owing to the vast height and the prevalence of a fog, no distinct view of their operations could be obtained.
Volcanoes, so plentiful in the first days of the world, are being extinguished by degrees; the internal heat is weakened, the temperature of the lower strata of the globe is lowered by a perceptible quantity every century to the detriment of our globe, for its heat is its life."
In this way, any person from the outside could have drawn back the bolt, and opened the door, and have dropped (or have been noiselessly lowered by an accomplice) into the room--its height, as already observed, being only seven feet.
One boat lowered away with the plugs out, filled with women and children and then with water, and capsized.
Evidently the strange steamboat had lowered its boats.
I said I had meant no harm, and hoped I had not lowered myself in his estimation by raising him a few rods in the air.
The two rolled growling upon the moss, tearing and rending one another in a frightful manner, but it was soon over and my preserver stood with lowered head above the throat of the dead thing which would have killed me.
They lowered their rifles and advanced pleasantly toward me placing their right hands upon my left shoulder, after the manner of their custom of salute, and asking me many questions about myself and my wanderings.
In response to the global financial crisis, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has lowered interest rates by 2 percentage points since January and by 3 points since last summer.