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(Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a long heavy wooden stick used as a weapon in India, esp by the police
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.lathi - club consisting of a heavy stick (often bamboo) bound with iron; used by police in India
club - stout stick that is larger at one end; "he carried a club in self defense"; "he felt as if he had been hit with a club"
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But I am not altogether a reed.' He picked up his lathi - a five-foot male-bamboo ringed with bands of polished iron - and flourished it in the air.
HYDERABAD -- Pakistan Tehrik Insaf Sindh president Amir Bux Bhutto has expressed surprise that despite passage of 5 days police has failed to arrest killers rather police has lathi charged on the crowd protesting against his murder and arresting complainants.
The police had to resort to lathi charge, according to a story in India Today.
Our sales growth was driven primarily by custom suiting, which we sold at an average rate of $5 million per week, up 150% versus last year," said Tailored Brands Executive Chairman Dinesh Lathi. "I am pleased with the team's execution on our custom growth strategy.
He said police have crossed their limits and lathi charged peaceful workers .
According to police, Lathi group and Shater group had dispute over property which led to armed clash between the groups today.
What is more important to the NCRB is that "the number of civilians killed in lathi charge last year was nearly double the number than those who died in police firing".
She said the firing and lathi charge and tear gas shelling were so intense.
As the situation went out of control, the police resorted to lathi charge causing injuries to more than 12 people.
But now when they were demanding the same, they were being lathi charged", he said referring to the recent incident in Medak district when farmers' agitation turned violent forcing the police to make a lathi charge.
Besides resorting to lathi charges, police also slapped and kicked a few of the women as well.