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1. A cord or ribbon used to draw and tie together two opposite edges, as of a shoe.
2. A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern. Also called lacework.
3. Gold or silver braid ornamenting an officer's uniform.
v. laced, lac·ing, lac·es
1. To thread a cord through the eyelets or around the hooks of.
a. To draw together and tie the laces of.
b. To restrain or constrict by tightening laces, especially of a corset.
3. To pull or pass through; intertwine: lace garlands through a trellis.
4. To trim or decorate with or as if with lace.
a. To add a touch of flavor to: "today's chefs love to lace their goods with lively, pronounced flavors" (David Rosengarten).
b. To add a substance, especially an intoxicant or narcotic, to: laced the eggnog with rum and brandy.
c. To add or intersperse with something in order to produce a certain effect: "Quacks now lace their pitch with scientific terms that may sound authentic to the uninformed" (Jane E. Brody).
6. To streak with color.
7. To give a beating to; thrash: laced his opponent in the second round.
To be fastened or tied with laces or a lace.
Phrasal Verb:
lace into Informal
To attack; assail: laced into me for arriving so late.

[Middle English, from Old French las, noose, string, from Vulgar Latin *laceum, from Latin laqueus, noose; probably akin to lacere, to entice, ensnare.]

lace′less adj.
lac′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.laced - closed with a lace; "snugly laced shoes"
unlaced, untied - with laces not tied; "teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers"
2.laced - edged or streaked with color; "white blossoms with purple-laced petals"
patterned - having patterns (especially colorful patterns)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
'Bless me!' said the old woman, 'how badly your stays are laced! Let me lace them up with one of my nice new laces.' Snowdrop did not dream of any mischief; so she stood before the old woman; but she set to work so nimbly, and pulled the lace so tight, that Snowdrop's breath was stopped, and she fell down as if she were dead.
Their three- cornered hats were laced with gold or silver.
If any tribe shall refuse to recognize the authority of the French, by bowing down to the laced chapeau of Mowanna, let them abide the consequences of their obstinacy.