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(Physical Geography) a prominent isolated hill or mountain in southern Africa. See inselberg
[from Afrikaans: head, hence high part; compare German Kopf head; see cop2]
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Battle after battle, Magersfontein, Colenso, Spion Kop, lost on the playing fields of Eton, had humiliated the nation and dealt the death-blow to the prestige of the aristocracy and gentry who till then had found no one seriously to oppose their assertion that they possessed a natural instinct of government.
Spion Kop Cemetery is a dune grassland habitat overlooking the North Sea at the Headland in Hartlepool.
Houllier, who used to watch Keegan from the Kop during his short spell teaching in Liverpool, said: "I have sympathy for Kevin.
Weir said the acquisition of KOP would allow it to further expand pressure control offerings, building on Weir's traditional strengths in North America and the Middle East.
The agreement, which KOP wants to conclude with all local betting agencies, came after allegations of match-fixing related to betting that was being investigated by the European football's ruling body UEFA.
The name was given in the early part of the last century to the new giant terrace at Anfield, which became world famous as just "the Kop".
Down the years, the Kop has been the Reds' man of the match on big European nights because of the way they have roared their team to victory.
Explaining why they are supporting the campaign, a member of Spion Kop 1906 said: "As a group, the #NOMOREKNIVEs campaign is something we can relate to as some of our friends have been lost to knife crime in the last few years.
Reiterating its intention to "protect the sport," KOP said it would today be writing to the Finance Minister seeking an urgent meeting with him to discuss the new government bill regulating betting and online betting.
Liverpool FC's Kop stand was famously named after the Boer War battleground in 1906, after newspaper sports editor Ernest Edwards wrote that the newly-built steep terrace at Anfield reminded him of the Spion Kop hill.
The 'Brighton Kop' name was coined as membership grew, with fans gathering together at the pub to watch Reds games, decking the place out with home-made flags.