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a type of canal in Thailand
[from Thai]
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Pakistani nationals were imprisoned at Bangkok's high-security Klong Prem prison.
Thailand's Klong Prem Central Prison will allow increased visiting hours and the easier transfer of money from the relatives of prisoners, according to an announcement released by Cambodia's General Department of Prison under the Ministry of Interior.
Wrapped in a blanket, the body of the 20-kilogram dog was carried by her owner as she and her family of four drove from the other side of Bangkok to Wat Klong Toei Nai, the first and one of only a few temples in Thailand to cremate pets.
The Nation reported earlier that dozens of female prisoners take a yoga class at Bangkok's Klong Prem Central Prison.
The boat ride on the Mae Klong River in central Thailand was billed as a firefly cruise, but there was no sign of the blinking bugs a half-hour into our nighttime ride.
Located in Tambon Khlong Khon, the plantation offers an interesting ecotourism activity at the mouth of the Mae Klong bay, not far from Bangkok.
For health-conscious tourists, why not surprise yourself at the Klong Thom Hot Springs.
Friend Andrew Kimberley watched the incident unfold along the Klong-Makok near Ban Klong Prow village.
With releases on DFTD and Moda Black, as well as Kling Klong, Charles is one of the biggest names around at the moment.
Among their topics are classifications of the fields of knowledge according to one of Klong rdol bla ma's "Enumeration of Terms," the long voyage of a trickster story from ancient Greece to Tibet, cosmic onomatopoeia or the source of The Waterfall of Youth: Ch|gyam Trungpa and D|ndrip Gyal's parallel histories of Tibetan mGur, tools of the trade of the Tibetan translators, and Tibet's critical tradition and modern Tibetan literature.
He documented his experience from his time in notorious Thai prison, Klong Prem, in book A Prayer Before Dawn which is now to become a film.