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Related to indite: Insite


compose or write, as a poem: She will indite an ode to the sunset.
Not to be confused with:
indict – charge with an offense; criticize: He tends to indict everyone of plotting against him.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


tr.v. in·dit·ed, in·dit·ing, in·dites
1. To write; compose.
2. To set down in writing.
3. Obsolete To dictate.

[Middle English enditen, from Old French enditer, from Vulgar Latin *indictāre : Latin in-, toward; see in-2 + Latin dictāre, to compose, to say habitually, frequentative of dīcere, to say; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]

in·dite′ment n.
in·dit′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
1. archaic to write
2. obsolete to dictate
[C14: from Old French enditer, from Latin indīcere to declare, from in-2 + dīcere to say]
inˈditement n
inˈditer n
Usage: Indite and inditement are sometimes wrongly used where indict and indictment are meant: he was indicted (not indited) for fraud
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -dit•ed, -dit•ing.
1. to compose or write (a speech, poem, etc.).
2. Obs. to dictate.
3. Obs. to prescribe.
[1325–75; Middle English enditen < Old French enditer < Latin indīcere; see indiction]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: indited
Gerund: inditing

I indite
you indite
he/she/it indites
we indite
you indite
they indite
I indited
you indited
he/she/it indited
we indited
you indited
they indited
Present Continuous
I am inditing
you are inditing
he/she/it is inditing
we are inditing
you are inditing
they are inditing
Present Perfect
I have indited
you have indited
he/she/it has indited
we have indited
you have indited
they have indited
Past Continuous
I was inditing
you were inditing
he/she/it was inditing
we were inditing
you were inditing
they were inditing
Past Perfect
I had indited
you had indited
he/she/it had indited
we had indited
you had indited
they had indited
I will indite
you will indite
he/she/it will indite
we will indite
you will indite
they will indite
Future Perfect
I will have indited
you will have indited
he/she/it will have indited
we will have indited
you will have indited
they will have indited
Future Continuous
I will be inditing
you will be inditing
he/she/it will be inditing
we will be inditing
you will be inditing
they will be inditing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been inditing
you have been inditing
he/she/it has been inditing
we have been inditing
you have been inditing
they have been inditing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been inditing
you will have been inditing
he/she/it will have been inditing
we will have been inditing
you will have been inditing
they will have been inditing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been inditing
you had been inditing
he/she/it had been inditing
we had been inditing
you had been inditing
they had been inditing
I would indite
you would indite
he/she/it would indite
we would indite
you would indite
they would indite
Past Conditional
I would have indited
you would have indited
he/she/it would have indited
we would have indited
you would have indited
they would have indited
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.indite - produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"
authorship, penning, writing, composition - the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"
draw - write a legal document or paper; "The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
create verbally - create with or from words
lyric - write lyrics for (a song)
write about, write of, write on - write about a particular topic; "Snow wrote about China"
profile - write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
paragraph - write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
paragraph - write about in a paragraph; "All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday's paper"
write off - write something fluently, and without hesitation
dash off, fling off, scratch off, toss off, knock off - write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper"; "He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess"
rewrite - rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose; "re-write a play for use in schools"
write copy - write for commercial publications; "She writes copy for Harper's Bazaar"
dramatise, dramatize, adopt - put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay"
draft, outline - draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"
poetise, poetize, verse, versify - compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"
author - be the author of; "She authored this play"
annotate, footnote - add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments; "The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel"
reference, cite - refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work"
publish, write - have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"
write out, write up - put into writing; write in complete form; "write out a contract"
script - write a script for; "The playwright scripted the movie"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument:
2. To form by artistic effort:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ɪnˈdaɪt] VT (liter) [+ letter] → endilgar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
And with what quill did the Secretary of the Society for the Suppression of Cruelty to Ganders formally indite his circulars?
So, I kissed his hand, and lay quiet, while he proceeded to indite a note to Biddy, with my love in it.
There, night and day, will I gaze upon it; my soul shall drink its radiance; it shall be diffused throughout my intellectual powers, and gleam brightly in every line of poesy that I indite. Thus, long ages after I am gone, the splendor of the Great Carbuncle will blaze around my name!"
"'Another of these magicians, by means of a fluid that nobody ever yet saw, could make the corpses of his friends brandish their arms, kick out their legs, fight, or even get up and dance at his will.{*28} Another had cultivated his voice to so great an extent that he could have made himself heard from one end of the world to the other.{*29} Another had so long an arm that he could sit down in Damascus and indite a letter at Bagdad -- or indeed at any distance whatsoever.
Orlando, who had just dipped her pen in the ink, and was about to indite some reflection upon the eternity of all things, was much annoyed to be impeded by a blot, which spread and meandered round her pen.
On her book, she said: 'I was neither requested by former PM Nawaz Sharif nor anyone else to indite a book.' 'We do not joy defaming others as our traditions do not allow us to do so,' she said.
For a poet is a light and winged and sacred thing, and is unable ever to indite until he has been inspired and put out of his senses ...
During the Renaissance, with its rebirth of classical learning, a "silent" revolution took place in English spelling, whereby words formerly spelled as they were pronounced (like oner, douten, indite and receite) were given extra letters to match their ancestral forms in Latin and Greek (yielding honor, doubt, indict and receipt).
335-395) went so far as to indite "the very first extant attack on slavery." But Scripture itself did not condemn it; and concerted Christian opposition to it would have to wait till the 18th century.
When I act, when I indite, Lord, direct my steps aright.
Discourse, 46-47: "Thus without question at first, God did indite his Law in the Heart of Man; but this being not essential to the Soul, though he retained his Intellectual Soul; his Principles of this kind were obliterated: and therefore it was the Mercy of God from time to time to inculcate them into Man's Posterity."
Belisario's operating room, and came back with his ideas so bewildered by what he there witnessed, or inhaled, as incontinently to indite a leader; in which, after giving an account of the proceedings, he attempts to philosophise thereupon; and among other things asserts, that although "the most respectable medical authorities are agreed that no dangerous or injurious results are to be apprehended, either at the time of, or subsequent to the application of ether," yet "the precise nature of its effect upon the nervous system and the brain, is as yet, mere matter of scientific speculation!" That is to say, it is already decided that it cannot be injurious, although its effects are yet unknown!