

tr.v. in·cent·ed, in·cent·ing, in·cents
To incentivize: "would use tax breaks to incent corporations to invest in their future" (Scott Canon).

[Back-formation from incentive.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
to provide (someone) with incentive; inspire or motivate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The company anticipates that the potential for record North American fertilizer application volumes and strong demand in Brazil will lead to good demand globally during the second half of the year, as grain prices incent growers to maximize planted acres and apply the necessary nutrients.
Foreign Minister, Dr Al-Dirdiri Mohamed Ahmed presented Sudan statement before the conference in which he affirmed Sudan full solidarity with families of victims and condemned with all possible terms the terrorist attacks which targeted the incent Muslim community in New Zealand , referring to necessity of solidarity and confrontation of extremism , discrimination and hatred against Muslims.
I was listening to talk radio in the car when I heard an interviewee a trained professional in his field no doubt mention the need to "incent" people to do something.
Backed by the marketing muscle of Apple as the world's largest company by market value, the reach of its ecosystem, and the loyalty of many of its customers, the card could indeed make a splash at the deep end of the consumer payment pool, at top-of-digital-wallet--especially if Apple and Goldman can concoct a winning recipe to incent more Apple Pay users to migrate to the new card and to use it consistently--and incent more iPhone users to migrate to Apple Pay.
"This may have implications for payment programs that incent reduction in payments without considering value."
After incent the panic was spread among citizens and city was mourn on death of wood trader.
Washington needs to enable and incent the most economic powerhouse in the world to utilize its free enterprise system to compete and ultimately create a healthcare system that is sustainable and affordable.
In his Twitter thread, Belfiore replied to one inquiring user that they tried 'very hard to incent app [developments],' but did not push through due to low number of users.
We'll also continue to see market players forming consortia like the B3i (Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative) to incent and partner co-innovation with these firms.
Legislators hope the program will incent local tax payers to donate to their neighborhood hospitals.
The platform works on CPI-basis, offering both incent and non-incent traffic, so advertisers will pay only for actual installs.
Performance Advertising (Incent & Non Incent) for Driving Installs