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Adj.1.humanlike - suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate thingshumanlike - suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
human - having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"
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References in classic literature ?
If it had of been a lion or something else humanlike it wouldn't look so strange; but this here thing ain't humanlike.
In their first study, the researchers found that participants who had recently recalled an incident where they felt powerful perceived lower risk toward a slot machine game and were more likely to play it when the machine had a humanlike face.
"It's the most humanlike model that exists right now," says computer scientist Stephen Guy of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, who led the work.
Washington, Apr 20 (ANI): A tiny fossil thumb bone has indicated that hominids had a humanlike grip at least 6 million years ago, say researchers.
His conclusion challenges a recent study suggesting that Laetoli folk took humanlike strides (SN Online: 3/22/10).
An entity is more likely to be anthropomorphized the more similar it appears to humans (for example, through humanlike movements or physical features like a face).
Chimpanzees possess a flexible, humanlike sensitivity to the mental states of others, even strangers from another species, researchers suggest March 11 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Although small in size, LB1's endocast displays a humanlike shape, Falk asserted.
sediba features an odd mix of humanlike and apelike skeletal traits.
ramidus displays a relatively short, humanlike skull base, Kimbel said.
As researchers make better, more humanlike mice, the day may come when curing cancer in mice really does mean something for people.
Instead, the ancient features of the new Chinese finds might reflect interbreeding with the Stone Age, humanlike species called Denisovans, remarks anthropologist Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London.