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Related to hove: hove into view


Past tense and past participle of heave.
Past tense and past participle of heave.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


chiefly nautical a past tense and past participle of heave


(Placename) a town and coastal resort in S England, in Brighton and Hove unitary authority, East Sussex. Pop: 72 335 (2001)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. heaved (esp. Naut.) hove; heav•ing; v.t.
1. to raise or lift with effort or force; hoist: to heave a heavy ax.
2. to throw, esp. to lift and throw with effort or force: to heave a stone through a window.
3. Naut. to move into a certain position or situation.
4. to utter laboriously or painfully: to heave a sigh.
5. to cause to rise and fall with a swelling motion: to heave one's chest.
6. to vomit; throw up.
7. to haul or pull on (a rope, cable, line, etc.).
8. to rise and fall in rhythmically alternate movements: The ship heaved and rolled.
9. to breathe with effort; pant.
10. to vomit; retch.
11. to rise as if thrust up, as a hill; swell or bulge.
12. to pull or haul on a rope, cable, etc.
13. Naut. to move in a certain direction or into a certain position or situation: The ship hove into sight.
14. heave to,
a. to stop the headway of (a vessel), esp. by bringing the head to the wind and trimming the sails.
b. to come to a halt.
15. an act or effort of heaving.
16. a throw, toss, or cast.
17. the horizontal component of the apparent displacement resulting from a geologic fault, measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike.
18. the rise and fall of the waves or swell of a sea.
19. heaves, (used with a sing. v.) Also called broken wind. a disease of horses characterized by difficult breathing.
heave ho! (an exclamation used by sailors, as when heaving the anchor up.)
[before 900; Middle English heven, variant (with -v- from preterit and past participle) of hebben, Old English hebban, c. Old Saxon hebbian, Old High German heffen, Old Norse hefja, Gothic hafjan]
heav′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Las' time I did, he jest took an' hove a boot at me."
No sooner were the tubs furnished than Tom Platt and Long Jack, who had been exploring the inside of a dory with a lantern, snatched them away, loaded up the tubs and some small, painted trawl-buoys, and hove the boat overboard into what Harvey regarded as an exceedingly rough sea.
Unluckily, however, she "broached to," and was struck by a heavy sea, that hove her on her beam-ends.
Despite the fact that by his manoeuvre the Arangi had been hove to, he knew that windage and sea-driftage would quickly send her away from the swimming puppy.
He says: "I am very happy to announce the launch of my UK Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour with concerts in Hove and Cardiff.
With Hove's larger neighbour Brighton (BN1 postal district) came in as the seventh most popular place to live for aspiring 25 to 44 year olds.
Bowie's connection to the project goes back to 1976, when he starred in Nicolas Roeg's film adaptation of Tevis's book, immortalizing the character of Thomas New ton, an alien who conies to Earth hoping to ferry precious resources back to his dying planet, Classic plays are familiar territory for van Hove, from Euripides to Shakespeare to O'Neill, as are adaptations, including several films he has adapted for the stage.
Hove, a multi-talented writer, started off as a poet.
During the later raids in October 2012 police searched a house in Topaz Close, Fartown, which was linked to Hove, and recovered "a bag of cheques", printers and a computer containing cheque security details.
It caused delays to journeys between Worthing and Hove and Brighton.