
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to Haut: haut monde
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
No, we did not "wis zo haut can be." We wished to go to La Scala, the largest theater in the world, I think they call it.
Letterblair was a widower, and they dined alone, copiously and slowly, in a dark shabby room hung with yellowing prints of "The Death of Chatham" and "The Coronation of Napoleon." On the sideboard, between fluted Sheraton knife-cases, stood a decanter of Haut Brion, and another of the old Lanning port (the gift of a client), which the wastrel Tom Lanning had sold off a year or two before his mysterious and discreditable death in San Francisco--an incident less publicly humiliating to the family than the sale of the cellar.
In his recent visit to Greece, Bhramar met Angela Gerekou, President of the Greek Tourism Board in her office to discuss the the plan of Haut Monde Mrs India Worldwide 2019.
Severine Guy : Un enfant a haut potentiel est un enfant qui a un resultat au test de QI superieur ou egal a 130.
Dans une declaration a la presse a la SUNA, l'ambassadeur du Soudan en Jordanie, Osman Nafie, a dit que le Premier Vice - President rencontrera mardi soir la communaute soudanaise en Jordanie et se reunira mercredi avec le Premier ministre jordanien, Abdallah Al-Nisour sur les reunions du haut comite conjoint soudano - jordanien.
Apres la cloture du debat general, l'Assemblee engagera une reunion de haut niveau sur les migrations internationales et le developpement (3-4 octobre), dans l'objectif d'identifier des mesures permettant d'optimiser les avantages des migrations internationales en reduisant le plus possible les inconvenients, tant pour les migrants que pour les pays.
Pour produire l'energie electrique et proteger le pays contre crues et secheresses, le Haut Barrage etait construit 6 km en amont de l'ancien barrage d'Assouan.
Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, from States of Jersey Police, explained: "The allegation is that residents from Haut de la Garenne were taken to the bunker by members of staff and abused there.
Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, from States of Jersey Police said: "The allegation is that residents from Haut de la Garenne were taken to the bunker by members of staff and abused there.
Lenny Harper, the officer heading the investigation, said at the scene: "The allegation is that residents from Haut de la Garenne were taken to the bunker by members of staff and abused there."
The allegations at Haut de la Garenne date back to the 1960s.