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 (hăf, häf)
n. pl. halves (hăvz, hävz)
a. One of two equal parts that together constitute a whole.
b. One part approximately equal to the remaining part.
2. Informal A 50-cent piece.
3. Sports
a. One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
b. A halfback.
4. Chiefly British A school term; a semester.
5. Half an hour: a half past one.
a. Being one of two equal parts.
b. Being approximately a half.
2. Partial or incomplete: gave me a half smile.
1. To the extent of exactly or nearly 50 percent: The tank is half empty.
2. Not completely or sufficiently; partly: only half right.
by half
1. By a considerable extent.
2. By an excessive amount: too clever by half.
by halves
In a reluctant manner; unenthusiastically.
half again as many/much
One-and-a-half times as much or as many; 50 percent more.
in half
Into halves.
not half
Not at all: "Fancy housing? Not half likely, ma'am" (Russell Baker).
not the half of
Only a fraction or a small part of.

[Middle English, from Old English healf; see skel- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl halves (hɑːvz)
a. either of two equal or corresponding parts that together comprise a whole
b. a quantity equalling such a part: half a dozen.
2. (Units) half a pint, esp of beer
3. (Brewing) Scot a small drink of spirits, esp whisky
4. (General Sporting Terms) sport the half of the pitch regarded as belonging to one team
5. (Golf) golf an equal score on a hole or round with an opponent
6. (Team Sports, other than specified) (in various games) either of two periods of play separated by an interval (the first half and second half)
7. a half-price ticket on a bus, train, etc
8. short for half-hour
9. (Currencies) short for halfpenny1
10. (Soccer) sport short for halfback
11. (Rugby) sport short for halfback
12. obsolete a half-year period
13. better half jocular a person's wife or husband
14. by half by an excessive amount or to an excessive degree: he's too arrogant by half.
15. by halves (used with a negative) without being thorough or exhaustive: we don't do things by halves.
16. go halves
a. to share the expenses (of something with one other person)
b. to share the whole amount (of something with another person): to go halves on an orange.
a. being a half or approximately a half: half the kingdom.
b. (as pronoun; functioning as sing or plural): half of them came.
not perfect or complete; partial: he only did a half job on it.
17. to the amount or extent of a half
18. to a great amount or extent
19. partially; to an extent
20. half one half two half three, etc informal 30 minutes after one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, etc
21. have half a mind to to have the intention of
22. not half informal
a. not in any way: he's not half clever enough.
b. Brit really; very; indeed: he isn't half stupid.
c. certainly; yes, indeed
[Old English healf; related to Old Norse halfr, Old High German halb, Dutch half]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(hæf, hɑf)

n., pl. halves (havz, hävz),
adj., adv. n.
1. one of two equal or approximately equal parts, as of an object, unit of measure or time, or other divisible whole; a part of a whole equal or almost equal to the remainder.
2. a quantity or amount equal to such a part (½).
3. either of two equal periods of play in a game, usu. with an intermission separating them. Compare quarter (def. 10).
4. one of two; a part of a pair.
5. a halfback.
b. the sum of 50 cents.
7. being one of two equal or approximately equal parts of a divisible whole: a half quart.
8. being half or about half of anything in degree, amount, length, etc.: at half speed; a half sleeve.
9. partial or incomplete.
10. in or to the extent or measure of half: half full.
11. in part; partly; incompletely.
12. to some extent; almost.
1. by half, by a great deal; by far.
2. half again as much or as many, 50 percent more: This mug holds half again as much coffee as the smaller one.
3. in half, into halves or two approximately equal parts: The vase broke in half.
4. not (the) half of it, a relatively minor part of the matter under discussion.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English h(e)alf, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon half, Old High German halb, Old Norse halfr, Gothic halbs]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


half of
1. used in front of noun phrases

Half or half of an amount or object is one of the two equal parts that together make up the whole amount or object.

You use half or half of in front of a noun phrase beginning with a determiner. Half is more common.

He had finished about half his drink.
She is allowed to keep half of her tips.
She'd known me half her life.
For half of his adult life he has lived in Tokyo.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'the half of'.

In front of measurement words like metre, kilogram, or hour, you always use half, not 'half of'.

They were nearly half a mile away.
The fault was fixed in half an hour.
They had been friends for about half a century.

Use half of in front of pronouns. Don't use 'half'.

The waitress brought the drink, and Ellen drank half of it immediately.
More than half of them have gone back to their home towns.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'they' or 'we' after half of. Instead use them or us.

Half of them have had no education at all.
If production goes down by half, half of us lose our jobs.

When you use half or half of in front of a singular noun or pronoun, you use a singular form of a verb after the noun or pronoun.

Half her property belongs to him.
Half of it was destroyed in a fire.

When you use half or half of in front of a plural noun or pronoun, you use a plural form of a verb after the noun or pronoun.

Half my friends have children.
Half of them were still married.
2. used as a pronoun

Half can be a pronoun.

Roughly half are French and roughly half are from North America.
Half of the money is for you, half is for me.
3. used as a noun

You can also use half as a noun to talk about a particular part of something.

The house was built in the first half of the eighteenth century.
Philip rented an apartment in the top half of a two-storey house.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.half - one of two equal parts of a divisible wholehalf - one of two equal parts of a divisible whole; "half a loaf"; "half an hour"; "a century and one half"
common fraction, simple fraction - the quotient of two integers
fifty percent - a half expressed as a percentage
mediety, moiety - one of two (approximately) equal parts
2.half - one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval
football, football game - any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
basketball, basketball game, hoops - a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
division, section, part - one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
period of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
first half - the first of two halves of play
last half, second half - the second of two halves of play
Adj.1.half - consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour"
fractional - constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety; "a fractional share of the vote"; "a partial dose"
2.half - partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job"
incomplete, uncomplete - not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete account of his life"; "political consequences of incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward pass"
3.half - (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister"
whole - (of siblings) having the same parents; "whole brothers and sisters"
Adv.1.half - partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. fifty per cent, equal part A half of the voters have not made up their minds.
1. partial, limited, fractional, divided, moderate, halved, incomplete children received only a half portion
by half excessively, very much, considerably He's just too clever by half.
not half
1. not nearly, nothing like, nowhere near not half as clever as he'd thought
2. absolutely, yes, indeed, ya (S. African), yebo (S. African informal) 'Fancy a top up?' 'Not half.'
Related words
prefixes bi-, hemi-, demi-, semi-
"The half is better than the whole"
"Half a loaf is better than no bread"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
نِصْفنصْفنِصْف وَقت المُباراهنِصْفَهنِصْفِيّ
aî hálfu, hálf-hálf-hálfleikurhálfpartinnhálfur
atlikti darbą ne iki galodalinisdar kaipgerokaiiki pusės
một nửatới một nửa


[hɑːf] N (halves (pl))
A. N
1. (gen) → mitad f
give me halfdame la mitad
half of my friendsla mitad de mis amigos
half man half beastmitad hombre mitad animal
half a cupmedia taza f
half a daymedio día m
a pound and a half, one and a half poundslibra f y media
three and a half hourstres horas y media
we have a problem and a halftenemos un problema mayúsculo, vaya problemazo que tenemos
one's better halfsu media naranja
by half better by halfcon mucho el mejor
it has increased by halfha aumentado en la mitad
he's too clever by halfse pasa de listo
he doesn't do things by halvesno hace las cosas a medias
half a dollar (= value) → medio dólar m
half a dozenmedia docena f
to go halves (with sb) (on sth)ir a medias (con algn) (en algo)
half an hourmedia hora f
to cut/break sth in halfcortar/partir algo por la mitad
half a moment!
half a second!¡un momento!
one's other halfsu media naranja
they don't know the half of itno saben de la misa la media
she's asleep half the time (iro) → se pasa la mitad del tiempo dormida AVERAGE, HALF
2. (Sport) [of match] → tiempo m; (= player) → medio m
first/second halfprimer/segundo tiempo m
3. (Brit) [of beer] → media pinta f
4. (= child's ticket) → billete m de niño
one and two halves, pleaseun billete normal y dos para niños, por favor
B. ADJ [bottle, quantity] → medio
a half-point cut in interest ratesuna reducción de medio punto en los tipos de interés
I have a half share in the flatla mitad del piso es mío or de mi propiedad
see also halfback, half-brother, half-sister
1. (gen) → medio, a medias
I was half afraid thatmedio temía que ...
half as half as muchla mitad
half as bigla mitad de grande
they paid half as much againpagaron la mitad más
their garden is half as big againsu jardín es la mitad más grande (que éste)
there were only half as many people as beforehabía solamente la mitad de los que había antes
it wasn't half as bad as I had thought [interview, trip to the dentist] → no lo pasé ni con mucho or ni de lejos tan mal como había imaginado
half asleepmedio dormido
half donea medio hacer
he half got upse levantó a medias
half laughing, half cryingmedio riendo, medio llorando
I only half read itlo leí sólo a medias
I was only half serious when I said thataquello sólo lo dije medio en broma
see also half-baked
2. (time) half past fourlas cuatro y media
come at half threeven a las tres y media
3. (with neg) (Brit) not half!¡y cómo!, ¡ya lo creo!
he didn't half runcorrió muchísimo, corrió como un bólido
it didn't half rain!¡había que ver cómo llovía!
it wasn't half dearnos costó un riñón, fue carísimo
it isn't half hothace un calor de miedo
D. CPD half fare Nmedio pasaje m; (as adv) to travel half fareviajar pagando medio pasaje
half note N (US) (Mus) → blanca f
half term N (Brit) (Scol) → vacaciones fpl de mediados del trimestre
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhɑːf] [halves] [ˈhɑːvz] (pl)
[amount, object] → moitié f
half of it → la moitié
half of, half → la moitié de
half of the cake; half the cake → la moitié du gâteau
She ate half the orange.; She ate half of the orange → Elle a mangé la moitié de l'orange.
the two halves of the brain
BUT les deux hémisphères du cerveau.
half the amount of → la moitié de
to cut sth in half → couper qch en deux
the first half [play, performance] → la première partie
the first half of the year → le premier semestre de l'année
the second half [play, performance] → la deuxième partie
the second half of the year → le deuxième semestre de l'année
half the time (= most of the time)
He was drunk half the time → Il était ivre la moitié du temps.
to go halves with sb → se mettre de moitié avec qn
to go halves with sb on sth → partager le coût de qch avec qn
Let's go halves → On partage.
to do things by halves
She never does things by halves → Elle ne fait jamais les choses à moitié.
too ... by half
He's too clever by half! → Il est un peu trop malin!
(in numbers, measurements) two and a half → deux et demi
two and a half thousand pounds → deux mille cinq cents livres
half a pound → une demi-livre250 g
half a kilo → un demi-kilo
a week and a half → une semaine et demie
half as much as → la moitié de
see also other
(in expressions of time) half past three → trois heures et demie
half past ten → dix heures et demie
[match] → mi-temps f
the first half → la première mi-temps
the second half → la seconde mi-temps, la deuxième mi-temps
[sports ground] → moitié f (du terrain)
(= child's ticket) → demi-tarif m, billet m demi-tarif
A half to York, please → Un demi-tarif pour York, s'il vous plaît., Un billet demi-tarif pour York, s'il vous plaît.
(= half pint) → demi-pinte f
a half of lager → une demi-pinte de bière blonde
a half chicken → un demi-poulet
a half bottle of wine → une demi-bouteille de vin
à moitié, à demi
half empty → à moitié vide
half closed [eyes] → mi-clos(e); [door] → à moitié fermé(e)
He was half asleep → Il était à moitié endormi.
to be half German → être à moitié allemand
half English, half Irish → moitié anglais moitié irlandais
a creature half man, half beast → une créature mi-homme mi-animal
(used for emphasis)
You don't half sound confident → Tu as l'air vachement sûr de toi.
The food's not half bad here, you know → La nourriture est vachement bonne ici.
not half! (when agreeing with sth)et comment!half a dozen half-a-dozen nune demi-douzaine
half a dozen eggs → une demi-douzaine d'œufshalf and half half-and-half
n (US) (= milk and cream) mélange mi-crème mi-laithalf an hour half-an-hour nune demi-heure
I'll be back in half an hour → Je serai de retour dans une demi-heure.
half an hour later → une demi-heure plus tard
for half an hour → pendant une demi-heurehalf-back [ˈhɑːfbæk] ndemi mhalf-baked [ˌhɑːfˈbeɪkt] adj [plan, idea] → qui ne tient pas debout; [attempt] → maladroit(e)half board (British) ndemi-pension fhalf-board [ˌhɑːfˈbɔːrd] modif (British) [accommodation, holiday] → en demi-pensionhalf-breed [ˈhɑːfbriːd] n = half-castehalf-brother [ˈhɑːfbrʌðər] ndemi-frère mhalf-caste [ˈhɑːfkɑːst] nmétis(se) m/fhalf day half-day [ˌhɑːfˈdeɪ] ndemi-journée fhalf-day [ˌhɑːfˈdeɪ] modif [tour, excursion, workshop] → d'une demi-journéehalf dead half-dead adjà moitié mort(e)half-dozen [ˌhɑːfˈdʌzən] ndemi-douzaine f
a half-dozen times → une demi-douzaine de fois
a half-dozen people → une demi-douzaine de personneshalf fare ndemi-tarif mhalf-fare [ˌhɑːfˈfɛər] modif [ticket] → demi-tarifhalf-grown [ˌhɑːfˈgrəʊn] adjà mi-croissancehalf-hearted [ˌhɑːfˈhɑːrtɪd] adj [person, welcome] → peu enthousiaste; [manner] → tiède; [attempt] → timidehalf-heartedly [ˌhɑːfˈhɑːrtɪdli] advsans enthousiasme; [try] → sans convictionhalf-hour half hour [ˌhɑːfˈaʊər]
ndemi-heure f
a half-hour later → une demi-heure plus tard
a half-hour TV programme → un programme d'une demi-heurehalf-life half life [ˈhɑːflaɪf] n [radioactive substance] → demi-vie fhalf-mast [ˌhɑːfˈmɑːst] n
at half-mast [flag] → en berne, à mi-mât
to fly at half-mast [flag] → être en bernehalf measure half-measure ndemi-mesure fhalf moon half-moon ndemi-lune fhalf note half-note n (US)blanche fhalf pay half-pay n
to be on half pay → toucher un demi-salaire
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n pl <halves>
Hälfte f; two halves make a wholezwei Halbe machen ein Ganzes; the first half of the yeardie erste Jahreshälfte; to cut something in halfetw halbieren; (with knife also) → etw in zwei Hälften or Teile schneiden; salary etcetw um or auf die Hälfte kürzen; to break/tear something in halfetw durchbrechen/durchreißen; half of it/themdie Hälfte davon/von ihnen; half the book/moneydie Hälfte des Buches/Geldes, das halbe Buch/Geld; half my lifedie Hälfte meines Lebens, mein halbes Leben; half a million dollarseine halbe Million Dollar; he gave me halfer gab mir die Hälfte; half a cup/an houreine halbe Tasse/Stunde; half a lifetimeein halbes Leben; he’s not half the man he used to beer ist längst nicht mehr das, was er einmal war; half a second!(einen) Augenblick mal!; I’ll be round in half a second (inf)ich komme gleich (mal) hin; to listen with half an earnur mit halbem Ohr zuhören; to take half of somethingdie Hälfte von etw nehmen; to go halves (with somebody on something)(mit jdm mit etw) halbe-halbe machen (inf); that’s only half the storydas ist nur die halbe Geschichte; have half of my applewillst du einen halben Apfel von mir haben?; bigger by halfanderthalbmal so groß; to increase something by halfetw um die Hälfte vergrößern; he is too clever by half (Brit inf) → das ist ein richtiger Schlaumeier; he’s too cocky by half (Brit inf) → er hält sich für wer weiß was (inf); one and a halfeineinhalb, anderthalb; an hour and a halfeineinhalb or anderthalb Stunden; he’s two and a halfer ist zweieinhalb; he doesn’t do things by halveser macht keine halben Sachen; half and halfhalb und halb; that’s a hill and a half! (inf)das ist vielleicht ein Berg!; that’s not the half of it (inf) I haven’t told you the half of it yet (inf)und das ist noch nicht einmal die Hälfte (inf)
(Sport, of match) → (Spiel)hälfte f, → Halbzeit f; (= player)Läufer(in) m(f)
(of ticket)Abschnitt mder Fahrkarte; (= travel, admission fee)halbe Karte (inf); return half (Brit) → Abschnitt mfür die Rückfahrt; two adults and one half, pleasezwei Erwachsene und ein Kind, bitte; two and a half (to London)zweieinhalb(mal London)
(= beer)kleines Bier, Halbe f (dial), → Halbe(s) nt, → Kleine(s) nt; (Scot, = whisky) → einfacher Whisky, Einfache(r) m
(= husband etc) my better (hum) or other halfmeine bessere Hälfte
adjhalb; a half cupeine halbe Tasse; with half his usual strengthnur mit halber Kraft; at or for half pricezum halben Preis; half one thing half anotherhalb und halb, halb das eine und halb das andere; half man half beasthalb Mensch, halb Tier; it’s neither opera nor operetta but sort of half and halfes ist so ein Zwischending ntzwischen Oper und Operette
halb; I half thought …ich hätte fast gedacht; I was half afraid that …ich habe fast befürchtet, dass …; half meltedhalb geschmolzen; the work is only half donedie Arbeit ist erst halb or zur Hälfte erledigt; that’s half rightdas ist zur Hälfte richtig; to be half asleep (= almost asleep)schon fast schlafen; (= very tired)todmüde sein (inf); to be half awakehalb wach sein; half laughing, half cryinghalb lachend, halb weinend; half laughing, half crying he told me …mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge erzählte er mir …; he half rose to his feeter erhob sich halb; I half think that …ich habe beinahe den Eindruck, dass …; he only half understandser begreift or versteht nur die Hälfte; the book was half in German, half in Englishdas Buch war zur Hälfte auf Deutsch und zur Hälfte auf Englisch; she’s half German and half Russiansie ist zur Hälfte Deutsche und zur Hälfte Russin
(Brit inf) he’s not half stupid/rich etcer ist vielleicht or unheimlich dumm/reich etc; it didn’t half raines HAT vielleicht geregnet; not half badgar nicht schlecht; not half!und wie! und ob!
it’s half past three or half threees ist halb vier
he is half as big as his sisterer ist halb so groß wie seine Schwester; half as big againanderthalbmal so groß; he earns half as much as youer verdient halb so viel wie Sie; he earns half as much again as youer verdient die Hälfte mehr als du or anderthalbmal so viel wie du; give me half as much againgib mir noch die Hälfte dazu


half-arsed, (US) half-assed
adj (vulgar)bescheuert (inf); (= incompetent)unfähig
n (Sport) → Läufer(in) m(f)
adj (fig) person, plan, ideaunausgegoren
n (of book)Halbband m
half board
nHalbpension f
half bottle
nkleine Flasche; a half of wineeine kleine Flasche Wein
adj = half-breed ADJ
(dated: = person) → Mischling m; (esp Native American) → Halbblut nt
(= animal)Rassenmischung f; (= horse)Halbblut nt, → Halbblüter m
animalgekreuzt; half horseHalbblut nt; a half dogeine Mischrasse, eine Rassenmischung
a half child (dated)ein Mischlingskind nt; a half Indian (dated)ein Halbblutindianer m
nHalbbruder m
half-caste (dated)
nMischling m; (esp Native American) → Halbblut nt
adjMischlings-; (esp Native American) → Halbblut-; a half childein Mischlingskind nt; (Native American) → ein Halbblut nt; a half Americanein amerikanischer Mischling
nHalbkreis m
n to go off at half (inf)ein Reinfall sein (inf), → ein Schuss in den Ofen sein (inf)
adj pistolin Vorderraststellung; to go off half (fig inf: person) → voreilig handeln, einfach drauflosmachen (inf)
adjhalb gar
adj (esp Brit inf: = crazy) → beknackt (sl), → bescheuert (inf)
n (in old Brit system) → Half Crown f, → Zweieinhalbschillingstück nt
half-cup brassière
nBüstenhalter mmit Halbschalen
adj (Brit inf: = drunk) → besoffen (inf)
n (= holiday)halber freier Tag; we’ve got a halfwir haben einen halben Tag frei
adj (lit, fig)halb tot (→ with vor +dat)
nhalber Dollar
adjhalb bekleidet
adjhalb leer
half face
n (in painting, photography) → Profil nt
nhalber Fahrpreis
vthalb füllen
adjfast vergessen
half-frame camera
nHalbformatkamera f
adjhalb voll
adjhalbherzig; attempt alsolustlos; mannerlustlos, lau; he was rather half about acceptinger nahm ohne rechte Lust an; he seems half about iter scheint sich dafür nicht so recht begeistern zu können
adv agreehalben Herzens, mit halbem Herzen; to do something halfetw ohne rechte Überzeugung or Lust tun
nHalbherzigkeit f, → Lustlosigkeit f; the half of his attemptsseine halbherzigen or lustlosen Versuche pl
half holiday
n (Brit) → halber Urlaubstag; (= public holiday)halber Feiertag; we’ve got a half tomorrow morningwir haben morgen Vormittag frei
nhalbe Stunde; half-an-hour’s or a half intervaleine halbstündige Pause, eine halbe Stunde Pause; it strikes (on) the halfsie schlägt die halben Stunden
advjede or alle halbe Stunde, halbstündlich
half landing
adj half portraitBrustbild nt
n (Phys) → Halbwertszeit f
nDämmerlicht nt, → Halbdunkel nt
n at half (also hum)(auf) halbmast; with his trousers at half (Brit: = too short) → mit Hochwasserhosen
half measure
nhalbe Maßnahme, Stehenbleiben nt no plauf halbem Weg; we don’t do things by halfswir machen keine halben Sachen, wir begnügen uns nicht mit Halbheiten
advzweimal im Monat
Halbmond m
(of fingernails)Mond m
adjhalb nackt
half nelson
n (Wrestling) → Nelson m, → einfacher Nackenheber; to have somebody in a halfeinen Nelson bei jdm ansetzen
n (US Mus) → halbe Note
adjhalb offen
nhalber Lohn; (of salaried employee) → halbes Gehalt; to be on halfden halben Lohn/das halbe Gehalt bekommen; to go on halfauf halben Lohn/halbes Gehalt gesetzt werden
nhalber Penny
halfpenny (Brit old)
nhalber Penny, Halfpenny m
attrHalfpenny-; half stamp/coinHalfpennymarke/-münze f
˜ Viertelliter m or nt; (of beer)kleines Bier
(inf, = person) → halbe Portion (inf), → Knirps m (inf)
n (Sport) → Halfpipe f
adjzum halben Preis; to be halfdie Hälfte kosten, um die Hälfte reduziert sein; half electricityStrom mzum halben Preis
adv drink, stayzum halben Preis
n (US Mus) → halbe Pause
half seas over
adj (dated inf)bezecht, leicht hinüber (inf)
adj I was only half about itich habe das nicht ganz ernst gemeint; actually, I was half about itich habe das nicht nur im Scherz gesagt
adjhalb so groß; half deskkleiner Schreibtisch; a half model of somethingein Modell ntvon etw in halber Größe
half term
n (Brit) → Ferien plin der Mitte des Trimesters; we get three days at halfwir haben drei Tage Ferien in der Mitte des Trimesters
adjFachwerk-; half building/houseFachwerkbau m/-haus nt
nFachwerkbauweise f
(Sport) → Halbzeit f; at halfbei or zur Halbzeit
(Ind) to be on/to be put on halfauf Kurzarbeit sein/gesetzt werden
attrHalbzeit-, zur Halbzeit; half whistle/scoreHalbzeitpfiff m/-stand m
adv to work halfhalbtags arbeiten or beschäftigt sein
nSchmutztitel m
n (Art, Phot, US Mus) → Halbton m; (Phot: = process) → Halbtonverfahren nt; (= picture)Halbtonbild nt
halftone screen
n (Typ) → Raster m
n (= vehicle)Halbkettenfahrzeug nt
nHalbwahrheit f
half volley
n (Tennis) → Halfvolley m, → Halbflugball m
vt (Tennis) ballals Halfvolley schlagen


nSchwachsinnige(r) mf; (fig)Schwachkopf m
nHalbjahr nt
advhalbjährlich, jedes halbe Jahr
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (halves (pl))
a. (part) → metà f inv, mezzo/a
half (of it) → la metà
half (of), half the amount of → la metà di
one half of the apple → la or una metà della mela
half an orange → mezza arancia
half a dozen → mezza dozzina
half a pound → mezza libbra
two and a half → due e mezzo
half an hour → mezz'ora
3 and a half hours → tre ore e mezza
half of my friends → (la) metà dei miei amici
to cut in half/into halves → tagliare a metà/in due
his (or her) better half (fam, hum) → la sua (dolce) metà
she doesn't do things by halves → non fa mai le cose a metà
to go halves (with sb) → fare a metà (con qn)
bigger by half → una volta e mezzo più grande
he's too clever by half (fam) → è troppo furbo per i miei gusti
b. (Sport) (of match) → tempo (000) (of ground) → metà campo; (player) → mediano
left/right half → mediano sinistro/destro
c. (of beer) → mezza pinta
d. (child's ticket) → (ridotto per) bambino
2. adj (bottle, quantity, fare, pay) → mezzo/a, metà inv
half a glass, a half glass → (un) mezzo bicchiere
half measures → mezze misure fpl
3. adv
a.(a) metà, (a) mezzo
half empty/closed → mezzo/a vuoto/a/chiuso/a, semivuoto/a/semichiuso/a
half asleep → mezzo/a addormentato/a
she's half French, half Italian → è mezza francese, mezza italiana
half as big (as) → la metà (di)
half as big again → una volta e mezzo più grande
I was half afraid that ... → avevo un po' paura che... + sub
not half! (fam) → altroché!, eccome!
it isn't half hot! (fam) → scotta!
b. (time) half past 3le 3 e mezza
half past 12 → le 12 e mezza
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(haːf) plural halves (haːvz) noun
1. one of two equal parts of anything. He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.
2. one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them. The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.
1. being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something). a half bottle of wine.
2. being made up of two things in equal parts. A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.
3. not full or complete. a half smile.
1. to the extent of one half. This cup is only half full; It's half empty.
2. almost; partly. I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.
a half-dozen; a half-kilo of tea.
halve (haːv) verb
1. to divide (something) into two equal parts. He halved the apple.
2. to make half as great as before; to reduce by half. By going away early in the year, we nearly halved the cost of our holiday.
ˌhalf-and-ˈhalf adverb, adjective
in equal parts. We can split the costs between us half-and-half.
ˈhalf-back noun
in football, hockey etc, (a player in) a position directly behind the forwards.
ˈhalf-brother, ˈhalf-sister nouns
a brother or sister by one parent only. My father has been married twice, and I have two half-brothers.
ˈhalf-caste noun
a person whose father and mother are of different races, especially white and black.
ˌhalf-ˈhearted adjective
not eager; done without enthusiasm. a half-hearted cheer/attempt.
ˌhalf-ˈheartedly adverb
ˌhalf-ˈheartedness noun
ˌhalf-ˈholiday noun
a part of a day (usually the afternoon) during which no work is done. the school-children were given a half-holiday to celebrate the football team's success.
ˌhalf-ˈhourly adjective, adverb
done etc every half-hour. at half-hourly intervals; The buses to town run half-hourly.
ˌhalf-ˈterm noun
(the period when students are given) a holiday about the middle of a term. We get a week's holiday at half-term; (also adjective) a half-term holiday.
ˌhalf-ˈtime noun
a short rest between two halves of a game (of football etc). the players ate oranges at half-time.
ˌhalf-ˈway adjective, adverb
of or at a point equally far from the beginning and the end. We have reached the half-way point; We are half-way through the work now.
ˈhalf-wit noun
a fool or idiot.
ˌhalf-ˈwitted adjective
foolish or idiotic.
ˌhalf-ˈyearly adjective, adverb
done etc every six months. a half-yearly report; We balance our accounts half-yearly.
at half mast
(of flags) flying at a position half-way up a mast etc to show that someone of importance has died. The flags are (flying) at half mast.
by half
by a long way. He's too clever by half.
do things by halves
to do things in an incomplete way. He never does things by halves.
go halves with
to share the cost with.
half past three/four/seven etc ,(American) half after three etc
at thirty minutes past the hour stated. I'm leaving at half past six.
in half
in(to) two equal parts. He cut the cake in half; The pencil broke in half.
not half
a slang expression for very much. `Are you enjoying yourself?' `Not half!'
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نِصْف, نِصْفِيّ, نِصْفِيًّا napůl, poloviční, polovina halv, halvdel, halvt halb, Hälfte κατά το ήμισυ, μισό, μισός medio, mitad puoli, puolikas, puoliksi à moitié, demi, moitié napola, polovica, polovičan metà, mezzo, quasi 半分, 半分だけ, 半分の, 반쯤, 절반 half, helft halv, halvpart, halvt na pół, połowa, połówkowy meio, metade наполовину, половина, половинный hälft, halv, halvt ครึ่ง, ครึ่งหนึ่ง yarı yarıya, yarım một nửa, tới một nửa 一半, 一半的, 半数
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. mitad, medio;
___ and ___a mitades, en igual proporción;
___ as muchla mitad;
___ brothermedio hermano;
___ -hourmedia hora;
___ sistermedia hermana;
___ -starvedmedio muerto de hambre;
in ___en dos mitades.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj medio; Take a half pill every morning..Tome media pastilla todas las mañanas; — brother medio hermano; — sister media hermana; adv medio; half asleep..medio dormido; n (pl halves) mitad f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The scene of this chronicle is the town of Dawson's Landing, on the Missouri side of the Mississippi, half a day's journey, per steamboat, below St.
In the end, he gave in to a month, which was well, for in two weeks he was transferred, with half a dozen other drivers, to work from the big stables of Corberly and Morrison in West Oakland.
When it was objected that Priests and Women had no sides, they retorted that Nature and Expediency concurred in dictating that the front half of every human being (that is to say, the half containing his eye and mouth) should be distinguishable from his hinder half.
The half a dozen cabins scattered along the banks of the North Fork, as if by some overflow of that capricious river, had become augmented during a week of fierce excitement by twenty or thirty others, that were huddled together on the narrow gorge of Devil's Spur, or cast up on its steep sides.
Unfortunately, Allah has made me so that I must also take off your head - unless," he added, thoughtfully, "you offer me half of the gold; for He made me weak under temptation."
Bates, to be surgeon to the Swallow, Captain Abraham Pannel, commander; with whom I continued three years and a half, making a voyage or two into the Levant, and some other parts.
`petting' he used to receive, and enjoyed a taste of it again, for no attentions, however flattering, from strangers, were half so pleasant as the sisterly adoration of the girls at home.
Common meals seem also to have been an ancient regulation, and to have been established in Crete during the reign of Minos, and in a still more remote period in Italy; for those who are the best judges in that country say that one Italus being king of AEnotria., from whom the people, changing their names, were called Italians instead of AEnotrians, and that part of Europe was called Italy which is bounded by the Scylletic Gulf on the one side and the Lametic on the other, the distance between which is about half a day's journey.
Everybody, I suppose, knows the dreamy, delicious state in which one lies, half asleep, half awake, while consciousness begins to return after a sound night's rest in a new place which we are glad to be in, following upon a day of unwonted excitement and exertion.
Since you will mistake her silence for indifference, come with me, and I'll show you one or two of her letters - no breach of confidence, I hope, since you are her other half.'
The world might have been challenged to produce another baby who had such a store of pleasant nonsense said and sung to it, as Bella said and sung to this baby; or who was dressed and undressed as often in four-and-twenty hours as Bella dressed and undressed this baby; or who was held behind doors and poked out to stop its father's way when he came home, as this baby was; or, in a word, who did half the number of baby things, through the lively invention of a gay and proud young mother, that this inexhaustible baby did.
At the end of half an hour they were wading through the tall grass of the graveyard.