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Epp, 'Visible Words: The York Plays, Brecht, and Gestic Writing', Comparative Drama 24.4 (1990), 289-305; Pamela M.
In this type of theater, there is no longer a conventional plot or character portrayal at the core of the event and staged text "is merely a component with equal rights in a gestic, musical, visual, etc.
These shifts were based partly on the allegorical character of the room, partly on the situational mood of the participants and their individual capacity in use of aesthetic codes, magic formulas, and other modes of mimic, gestic, and oral narration.
Be that as it may, within the literary domain, literary works in turn take on different textual manifestations in different literary genres: poetry exploits musical properties and a very condensed language as its most prominent features; literary prose--however liberated from certain textual poetical restraints--is still characterized for its phonetic and cohesive effects, thematic concentration, connotative and symbolic power, and structure and style (Newmark, 1988, 1993); drama is gestic and differs from the two other genres on account of its inherent duality of language and acoustic and visual expression (Piette, 2005).
Music was also an indispensable component of any Brechtian performance, not because it could be seamlessly introduced into the play to enhance realism, but because it "allows the actor to exhibit certain basic gests on the stage." (51) By gestic music, Brecht has in mind popular forms like the cabaret and the operetta rather than the excessive lyricism of genres like opera where "we see entire rows of human beings transported into a peculiar doped state, wholly passive, sunk without trace." (52) Heywood's Ages not only incorporate music to a greater extent than other history plays of the period but they also use song and dance to punctuate and disrupt the performance, rather than reinforcing the thematic message of the play or intensifying our emotional involvement with its characters.
The 3DTouchPad provides robust and innovative 3D gesture recognition utilizing Microchip's GestIC technology that offers a detection range of up to 10 cm for 3D gestures, along with Microchip's highly responsive projected-capacitive 2D multi-touch solution supporting up to 10 touch points and multi-finger surface gestures.
An example of gestic meaning deduced from music and dance can be given as such:
Brechtian theory/feminist theory: Toward a gestic feminist criticism.