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1. of, relating to or having a pair (of elements)
2. (Chemistry) chem (of an atom) having two functioning groups
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The 1H-NMR spectrum further displayed signal for methoxyl proton at I' 3.75 (s) and two overlapped doublets due to geminal protons of another methylene group at I' 3.39 (1H, d, J = 12.4 Hz) and 3.42 (1H, d, J = 12.4 Hz).
tricipital, subescapular, bicipital, supraespinal, abdominal, crural, geminal) com recurso a um adipometro calibrado (Harpenden, Baty, Inglaterra), sendo o somatorio posteriormente convertido para %MG usando a formula de Withers e colaboradores (1987) (i.e., [%MG=495/(1.0988-0.0004* [SIGMA]7)-450]) recomendada como a mais ajustada para a medicao da %MG em futebolistas (Reilly e colaboradores, 2009).
As mentioned before, the extension with sulfate gives in general rise to a downfield shift of the geminal and vicinal proton signals.
Armstrong, "Using geminal dicationic ionic liquids as solvents for high-temperature organic reactions," Organic Letters, vol.
("Geminal," an OED word, means "explained as a pair." "Eel-anime," a coined word, is an imaginary musical direction meaning "animatedly, in the manner of eels." "Genialise" with an "s" is found in Chambers)
Hydrogen trioxide--a model compound for studying the conformational modes of geminal double rotors and five membered rings," J.
According to the proposed mechanism, the [sp.sup.3] carbon that supports two geminal methyls in intermediate (II) is facing one side of the cyclohexene ring, and the aromatic ring is facing other side (Scheme 2).