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 (jə-lä′tō, jĕ-)
n. pl. ge·la·ti (-tē)
An Italian ice cream or sorbet.

[Italian, from past participle of gelare, to freeze; see gelatin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ti
(Cookery) Italian ice-cream
[C20: Italian, literally, frozen]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There are many places you can get gelato at in the UAE.
A very popular dessert in Italy, Kara would be able to consume, at the least, three scoops of gelato per day whenever she would visit Europe.
LFCfanatic Mario, 28, - whorecently proposed to his fiancee Marzia La Bianca, 26, on the Kop at Anfield during the half time interval- makes 16 different types of gelato ice cream twice a week and he regularly comes up with new gelato recipes.
"With holiday parties in full swing, Sweet Home Gelato will satisfy any sweet tooth and bring their premium gelato to any occasion," says Janice Bruksch, co-owner of the independently owned family business.
I am a fan of milk gelato and will pretty much pick that over other flavors, so I love that they have a Fior di latte.
In a report to planners on behalf of Adil Javed Malik, who would run the Icestone Gelato franchise, it says: "Neither a restaurant nor a cafe or bar, Icestone Gelato offers a treat, a destination, especially for families, amongst the varied urban offerings that would enhance any visit to Durham.
"Adding the element which does not currently exist within Durham, Icestone Gelato enhances the city, the footfall of North Street and both the day and night offering of meeting and eating places."
NINAO sells a cup for NT$80 (US$2.50), pricey but also near the average price for a scoop of gelato around Taiwan.
IThe premier dessert restaurant makes its own fresh gelato every day and serves up a selection of waffles, cookie dough and other sweet treats.
Remeo Gelato will launch nationwide into selected stores, retailing three of the brand's seven-strong Gelato and Sorbetto range Dark Chocolate (72%).
The secret behind my gelato is simply that it is made with the freshest ingredients available and we only produce in small quantities to ensure that products circulate quickly and are not kept for a long time.