
(redirected from fatsos)


offensive slang A derogatory term for someone who is fat or obese. I look like a real fatso in this skimpy bikini, don't I? Hey fatso, why don't you pick on someone your own size?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. a fat person. (Cruel. Also a rude term of address.) Some fatso tried to get on the plane and couldn’t even get through restroom the door!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The second day featured a panel discussion titled 'When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Gets Going', moderated by Sahar Habib Ghazi, with panelists Maha Jawed, founder of Easy and Fatsos; Kumail Abbas, CEO and co-founder, Find My Adventure; Raania Durrani, co-founder and artistic director Salt Arts; and Marium Kamal, and Safwan Sabzwari, co-founders Six Eyes Collective.
Fatsos has sold 20 million sandwiches since opening its first branch in Stokesley in 2003 - that's about 4,200 a day.
FOOD on-the-go firm Fatso's wants to create 100 new jobs on Teesside - by launching a new sister brand and Billingham HQ.
KATIE "I now like fatsos" Hopkins restyling herself as Mother Ter-bleedin'-esa on This Morning.
Fame-hungry fatsos pretending they remember washing down salads with mineral water...
Most of us are passionate about its places and people and tend to get hot under the collar at the stereotypical image of chain-smoking ignorant fatsos who don't work, drink beer and race whippets.
When the film suddenly turns into Die Hard with fatsos, the situation does actually start to improve.
And I'm heartily cheesed (Stilton and Camembert, please) off with the examples of my fellow fatsos who refuse to accept responsibility for their size.
It should be regarded as a self-inflicted wound, fatsos should be told, you can have your treatment when youve lost half your body weight.
Fuel is getting more and more expensive, and planes use more of it when they're full of fatsos.
No drugs, fatsos or goons." So far he's had no offers.
EXPANDING: Rocky Andrews outside one of his Fatsos stores, above, which are now branching out to Manchester, and our coverage of his exit from the Apprentice TV show in April 2009, inset above
NOW, I'm no fan of fatsos, but isn't Molly living proof of how diet and exercise just turn people evil?
I'VE had a gut-full of all these programmes about super-sized fatsos.
THE IRISH are in danger of becoming the fatsos of Europe, according to the latest nutrition report.