References in classic literature ?
I began dimly to understand that my fainting fit must have presented symptoms far more serious than the fainting fits of women in general.
I am not one of the fainting sort myself; but I feel it, I can tell you.
But the doctor has no idea, and Miss Hoighty has no idea, of the true cause of your fainting fit.
They two were a little apart from the others, and Francis was fainting. A hand upon his throat
Phlipote watched mechanically the double file of haughty figures passing before them: then, on a sudden, with a feeble cry, falls fainting into the arms of Claude.
Having a flask with brandy in it, he revived the fainting man, and led him to the inn.
(after an early breakfast that morning), without taking food: he could only attribute the fainting fit to that cause.
What is there wonderful, what is there unaccountable, in her fainting under such circumstances as these?"
When from dark error's subjugation My words of passionate exhortation Had wrenched thy fainting spirit free; And writhing prone in thine affliction Thou didst recall with malediction The vice that had encompassed thee: And when thy slumbering conscience, fretting By recollection's torturing flame, Thou didst reveal the hideous setting Of thy life's current ere I came: When suddenly I saw thee sicken, And weeping, hide thine anguished face, Revolted, maddened, horror-stricken, At memories of foul disgrace.
All the time that astronauts spend floating weightless can trigger fainting and dizziness when they once again feel Earth's gravity, but the new research finds that a two-hour daily workout while in space might eliminate the problem.
CATHERINE W GICHUKI DOHA AROUND six in 1,000 people have an episode of fainting once a year, according to Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) consultant of Internal Medicine Dr Amal El-Hawari.
News that they saw the 21-year-old star briefly fainting, adding that "she quickly recovered before leaving."