References in periodicals archive ?
Exuding wound care entails the need for dressing that quickly absorb exudates, and exert effective moisture management during the healing of wounds.
stali's female legs suggests the evolution of morpho-functional traits to gather and store viscous exudates from sticky plants.
A fundus examination of the left eye revealed multiple telangiectatic and irregular, dilated aneurysmal retinal vessels, exudative retinal detachment with deep, and extensive subretinal lipid exudates with a well-defined macular edema.
Both of the hydrocolloid dressings had a low absorption capacity and absorbed exudates slowly.
Fundus examination showed decreased blood and subretinal fluid, with lipid exudates in the macula.
For example, exudates and drusen often look similar with an ophthalmoscope or in fundus photos, but can be differentiated easily based on their location in the retinal layers.
[1] Based on underlying pathological abnormality and mechanism of formation, effusion can be either "transudates" or "exudates".
The region types included microaneurysms[18], exudates, neovascularization on the retina, hemorrhages, normal retinal background, and normal vessels patterns.
While the cause is still unknown, its symptoms include nonstop fever, conjunctivitis with no exudates (muta), rashes and red, cracked lips.
Uterine lavage with isotonic saline removes uterine pathogens, debris and inflammatory exudates, and improve luminal phagocytic activity against pathogens (Asbury, 1984a; Troedsson et al., 1995).