References in classic literature ?
Brooke to write a letter: his only difficulty was to write a short one, and his ideas in this case expanded over the three large pages and the inward foldings.
Regarding the Sperm whale's head as a solid oblong, you may, on an inclined plane, sideways divide it into two quoins, whereof the lower is the bony structure, forming the cranium and jaws, and the upper an unctuous mass wholly free from bones; its broad forward end forming the expanded vertical apparent forehead of the whale.
A shiny silk hat and a pair of worn gloves lying ready on the end of a long table looked expanded too, enormous.
"We can't put up with the innocence of nasty little children," said the great and expanded personage, expanding a little more, as it were.
What is the odds so long as the spirit is expanded by means of rosy wine, and the present moment is the least happiest of our existence!'
If the wing of friendship should never moult a feather, the wing of relationship should never be clipped, but be always expanded and serene.
The gases of the powder, expanded by heat, forced back the atmospheric strata with tremendous violence, and this artificial hurricane rushed like a water-spout through the air.
Know, monseigneur, that in all that relates to my intimate feelings I render account only to God and to my conscience," she concluded, laying her hand on her beautiful, fully expanded bosom and looking up to heaven.
The man was upon one knee, his back in the angle of the wall, his shoulders elevated to the level of his ears, his hands before his face, palms outward, the fingers spread and crooked like claws; the white face turned upward on the retracted neck had an expression of unutterable fright, the mouth half open, the eyes incredibly expanded. He was stone dead.
The girlhood of which she had been cheated seemed to come back to her with the ripeness of womanhood; she expanded like a flower of flame and perfume; no laugh was readier than hers, no wit quicker, in the twilight circles of that enchanted summer.
And I hope it is not at all unlikely that he may expand(as a clerk of your acquaintance has expanded) into a partner.
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