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A recluse or hermit, especially a religious recluse.

[Middle English, from Late Latin erēmīta; see hermit.]

er′e·mit′ic (-mĭt′ĭk), er′e·mit′i·cal adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.eremitic - of or relating to or befitting eremites or their practices of hermitic living; "eremitic austerities"
cenobitic, cenobitical, coenobitic, coenobitical - of or relating to or befitting cenobites or their practices of communal living
2.eremitic - characterized by ascetic solitudeeremitic - characterized by ascetic solitude; "the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony"; "his hermitic existence"
unworldly - not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations; "was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards"- Sheldon Cheney
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
While it may be accurate that "most of the major aspects of the Chinese eremitic tradition .
Gong Sheng was a retiring official, his moral resolve notwithstanding, but his conduct has had a role in the "eremitic tradition." According to Vervoorn, Gong Sheng "actually embodies |the~ shift from the exemplary but rather theoretical Confucian eremitism of the last part of the Former Han to the equally exemplary but deadly serious Confucian eremitism of the Wang Mang period and its aftermath".
Paul Jones, Maggie Ross, Barbara Erakko Taylor, Sara Maitland, and others--who have written memoirs I have gobbled up about their ups and downs living an eremitic life.
'Saint Christopher's Legless' was built around the patron saint of wayfarers, and modes of inner travel, iconographically through the inclusion of a lifelike sculpture of the eremitic saint 'slumped against the wall of the gallery, his legs worn down to stumps through the zeal of his efforts', (4) and by means of curious fibre-glass sculptures, abstract approximations of hi-speed, sci-fi vehicles, that invited promise of translocation beyond mundane everyday experience.
The biblical examples cited by Nisterus--Abraham, David, Elijah--are those of non-eremitic (or only partially eremitic) individuals.
However, the essence of monasticism remains unchanged." Parameos monastery in Wadi el-Natrun -- Ahmed Hindy "Monasticism used to be 'eremitic' in the past.
Still, for students and scholars of Buddhist Studies they are ground-breaking and speak to exciting ways of rethinking the male-dominated and eremitic characterizations of Buddhist monasticism that have become normative in the field.
(86) The first question arising from these remarks is which exact 'Lebensform' it is which is advertised here: monasticism, yes, but cenobitic, eremitic, and cohabiting versions are presented as (almost) equally valid: the right choice depends on external situations.
Sister Sheila Richardson, ESA, JD, JCL, is an Eremitic of St.
Though not as adamantly self-cloistered as the eremitic J.D.
2), outlining how eremitic practice gradually developed into the two distinct but overlapping categories of hermits and anchorites.