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 (ĕm′pī-rē′əl, ĕm-pîr′ē-əl)
1. Empyrean.
2. Of the sky; celestial.
3. Elevated; sublime.

[Middle English emperiall, from Medieval Latin empyreus, from Late Latin empyrius, fiery, from Greek empurios : en-, in; see en-2 + pūr, fire; see paəwr̥ in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌɛm pəˈri əl, -paɪ-, ɛmˈpɪr i əl, -ˈpaɪ ri-)

also empyrean

1. pertaining to the highest heaven in the cosmology of the ancients.
2. pertaining to the sky; celestial.
3. exalted; sublime.
[1475–85; < Late Latin empyre(us), variant of empyrius of fire, belonging to the empyrean (< Late Greek empýrios <em- em-2 + -pȳrios, derivative of pŷr fire)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.empyreal - of or relating to the sky or heavens; "the empyrean sphere"
2.empyreal - inspiring awe; "well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity"- M.S.Dworkin; "empyrean aplomb"- Hamilton Basso; "the sublime beauty of the night"
glorious - having or deserving or conferring glory; "a long and glorious career"; "our glorious literature"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Of or relating to the heavens:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
As are the elements, such are the heavens, Even from the moon unto th' empyreal orb, Mutually folded in each other's spheres, And jointly move upon one axletree, Whose termine is term'd the world's wide pole; Nor are the names of Saturn, Mars, or Jupiter Feign'd, but are erring stars.
Nine; the seven planets, the firmament, and the empyreal heaven.
To bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee, and deifie his power Who from the terrour of this Arm so late Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed, That were an ignominy and shame beneath This downfall; since by Fate the strength of Gods And this Empyreal substance cannot fail, Since through experience of this great event In Arms not worse, in foresight much advanc't, We may with more successful hope resolve To wage by force or guile eternal Warr Irreconcileable, to our grand Foe, Who now triumphs, and in th' excess of joy Sole reigning holds the Tyranny of Heav'n.
Usurping the empyreal realm of the eagle, he assumes for a time the port and dignity of that majestic bird, and often is mistaken for him by ignorant crawlers upon the earth.
She sees my grad school rejections as gateways into vastly superior universes, my crippling anxiety a symptom of an empyreal worldview.
(21) When Satan arrives at the end of his journey from hell, he sees "empyreal heaven, extended wide / In circuit, undetermined square or round" (2.1047-48).
IMTAC, through its Smart City brand " empyreal " produces IoT based solutions in the areas of municipal operations, building management, urban and social infrastructure, healthcare, water and waste water management and manufacturing industries.
Imtac, through its Smart City brand 'empyreal' is a leader in IoT based solution in the areas of Municipal Operations, Building Management, Urban and Social Infrastructure, Healthcare, Water and Waste water management and Manufacturing Industries.
The stand was supported by Ooredoo's local partner NEC (National Electricity Center) and technology partners SAGEMCOM and Empyreal.
The five-pointed star he first developed for Autoritratto (Self-Portrait), 1972--a splayed cowhide from which a mold of the artist's (literally) starry-eyed face emerges--is a graphic notation of empyreal energy: a fixed, visible sign of the constant expansion and evolution of the physical world, which humans are still only beginning to understand.
I believe whoever replaces Putin in the future, the world will have to, for the most part, deal with the same kind of Russia--assertive, stoking the empyreal spirits and positioning itself as a counterbalance to the West.
[...] [W]e shall enjoy ourselves hereafter by having what we called happiness on Earth repeated in a finer tone and so repeated--And yet such a fate can only befall those who delight in sensation rather than hunger as you do after Truth Adam's dream will do here and seems to be a conviction that Imagination and its empyreal reflection is the same as human Life and its spiritual repetition.