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(Physical Geography) South African and Austral and NZ a steep-sided gully created by soil erosion
[C19: Afrikaans, from Nguni donga washed out gully]


(in Papua New Guinea) a house or shelter
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It was the right hand, and until it healed the man could be of no further use in the firing line; nor was the case serious enough for admission to a crowded field-hospital; and Connal himself offered his services as custodian of a number of our horses which we were keeping out of harm's way in a donga. They had come there in the following manner: That morning we had been heliographed to reinforce the C.M.R., only to find that the enemy had the range to a nicety when we reached the spot.
Connal insisted on having one end of the donga to himself, and of course his end is the one nearest the Boers.
Meanwhile it was the eve of battle (most evenings were), and there was that villain with the horses in the donga, and here were we two upon his track.
The spot that we eventually chose and stealthily occupied was behind some bushes through which we could see down into the donga; there were the precious horses; and there sure enough was our wounded corporal, sitting smoking in his cloak, some glimmering thing in his lap.
But Raffles paid no attention to their fire; he was pointing downward through the bushes to where Corporal Connal stood with his back to us, shooing a last charger out of the mouth of the donga towards the Boer trenches.
And in less time than it would take to tell, we were over the lip of the donga and had fallen upon the fellow before he could turn his head; nevertheless, for a few instants he fought like a wild beast, striking, kicking, and swinging me off my feet as I obeyed my instructions to the letter, and stuck to his left like a leech.
Somehow I thought that Raffles was going to smile, but the grim set of his mouth never altered, neither was there any change in the ashy pallor which had come over him in the donga when Connal mouthed his name.
And that was the one good thing that happened on the day that broke upon us hiding behind the bushes overlooking the donga; by noon it was my own turn.
Then, without saying anything to my mother, I snatched the gourd and ran with it to a little donga that was hard by, for I knew that there was a spring.
Ms Halmen urged the elders to open up to the students so that they could receive relevant assistance.On other issues, Donga clinic nursing officer, Ms Dorothy Koko updated Donga residents on the clinic's operations.
MUZAFFARABAD -- At least five persons were killed and a minor sustained injuries in a road mishap that occurred near Donga Kas, an area of Muzffarabad district, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
These properties are 96-H Model Town, Lahore, a bungalow in Donga Gali, and a house in Abbotabad.