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(Zoology) a genus of digenetic parasitic flatworms having two suckers, one ventral and the other oral
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to Cable (1956), a fellodistomid cercariae can be identified by the following characteristics: Distome, pharyngeate larva, tegument spinose or smooth, eyespots present or absent, stylet lacking, excretory vesicle thin-walled, and a long and slender trichocercous tail, developing in marine bivalves.
He might be a distome, one of a genus of parasitic worms called flukes, from their short flattened triangular shape.
Cercaria.--The cercaria of Centrocestus formosanus is small, oculate, gymnocephalous (distome, leptocercous according to Amaya-Huerta and Almeyda-Artigas, 1994).
Distomes of the family Hemiuridae from North Indian fishes and frogs with systematic discussion on the family Halipegidae and the genera Vitellotrema, Guberlet and Genarchopsis Ozaki.