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 (kwĭs) also cuish (kwĭsh)
Plate armor worn to protect the front of the thigh.

[Middle English quisse, probably back-formation from quisseues, pl. of quisseu, cuisse, from Old French quisseuz, pl. of quissel, from quisse, thigh, from Latin coxa, hip.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(kwɪs) or


(Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a piece of armour for the thigh
[C15: back formation from cuisses (plural), from Old French cuisseaux thigh guards, from cuisse thigh, from Latin coxa hipbone]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



plate armor protecting the front of the thigh.
[1325–75; Middle English quissheu, pl. quyssewes < Old French quisseuz, cuisseus, pl. of cuissel=cuisse thigh (< Latin coxa hipbone) + -el n. suffix]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cuisse - armor plate that protects the thigh
armor plate, armor plating, armour plate, plate armor, plate armour - specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire
body armor, body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, suit of armor, suit of armour - armor that protects the wearer's whole body
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
He was dressed in a dark-green dress coat, knee breeches of the color of cuisse de nymphe effrayee, as he called it, shoes, and silk stockings.
Squires were running hither and thither, or aiding their masters to don armor, lacing helm to hauberk, tying the points of ailette, coude, and rondel; buckling cuisse and jambe to thigh and leg.
Next you buckle your greaves on your legs, and your cuisses on your thighs; then come your backplate and your breastplate, and you begin to feel crowded; then you hitch onto the breastplate the half-petticoat of broad overlapping bands of steel which hangs down in front but is scolloped out behind so you can sit down, and isn't any real improvement on an inverted coal scuttle, either for looks or for wear, or to wipe your hands on; next you belt on your sword; then you put your stove-pipe joints onto your arms, your iron gauntlets onto your hands, your iron rat-trap onto your head, with a rag of steel web hitched onto it to hang over the back of your neck -- and there you are, snug as a candle in a candle-mould.
Imagine to yourself a Don Quixote of eighteen; a Don Quixote without his corselet, without his coat of mail, without his cuisses; a Don Quixote clothed in a wooden doublet, the blue color of which had faded into a nameless shade between lees of wine and a heavenly azure; face long and brown; high cheek bones, a sign of sagacity; the maxillary muscles enormously developed, an infallible sign by which a Gascon may always be detected, even without his cap--and our young man wore a cap set off with a sort of feather; the eye open and intelligent; the nose hooked, but finely chiseled.
Meme chose pour le 3 e joueur, Noureddine Amrabat, qui a prefere jouer au sein de son club saoudien d'Al Nassr meme avec une blessure contractee au niveau de la cuisse depuis 9 jours.
Pour cette joute amicale face au futur mondialiste, Madjer a fait appel a 24 joueurs (Belkalem ayant ete libere pour cause de blessure au niveau de la cuisse alors que Bedrane, en delicatesse avec son adducteur, avait deja declare forfait avant le stage de Sidi Moussa).Au dela du resultat, cette empoignade face a la selection saoudienne devrait permettre au driver des Fennecs et ses deux assistants, Meziane Ighil et Djamel Menad de poursuivre leur operation prospection en vue de mettre sur pied une antichambre capable d'offrir des [beaucoup moins que]doublures[beaucoup plus grand que] de qualite a l'equipe premiere, appelee a en decoudre avec le Portugal, le 07 juin prochain a Lisbonne."Que ce soit mes joueurs, mon staff ou moi-meme, nous prenons tous ce match tres au serieux.
According to the Korea Development Bank (KDB), Friday, the sales manager, Credit Cuisse, requested more time for the final round of bidding until early next week.
"I custom designed an exclusive line for the French urban surfing brand, Cuisse de Grenouille, which is famous for its unisex 'Surf in the Cities' project where they produce sweaters with slogans like 'Surf in Paris' or 'Surf in Montreal' ...
Praiaz also collaborates with Cuisse de Grenouille, an urban surfing brand.
Switzerland's Credit Cuisse (NYSE: CS) has announced the opening of a wealth institute in Singapore, reports Reuters.