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v. crack·led, crack·ling, crack·les
1. To make a succession of slight sharp snapping noises: a fire crackling in the wood stove.
2. To show liveliness, energy, or intensity: a book that crackles with humor.
3. To become covered with a network of fine cracks; craze.
1. To crush (paper, for example) with sharp snapping sounds.
2. To cause (china, for example) to become covered with a network of fine cracks.
1. The act or sound of crackling.
a. A network of fine cracks on the surface of glazed pottery, china, or glassware.
b. Crackleware.

[ Frequentative of crack.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Then it was as if an invisible yet intensely heated finger were drawn through the heather between me and the Martians, and all along a curving line beyond the sand pits the dark ground smoked and crackled. Something fell with a crash far away to the left where the road from Woking station opens out on the common.
He locked and unlocked his hands over the grate and spread his fingers close to the bluish flame, while the coals crackled and the clock ticked and a street vendor began to call under the window.
Though it was an autumn evening and somewhat warm, a huge fire of heaped billets of wood crackled and sparkled in a broad, open grate, some of the smoke escaping up a rude chimney, but the greater part rolling out into the room, so that the air was thick with it, and a man coming from without could scarce catch his breath.
I fancy it kept me warm, even in my slumbers, better than the high pile of blankets, which positively crackled with frost as I threw them off in the morning.