References in classic literature ?
The German laughed, came out of the cowshed, pulled off his cap, and waving it above his head cried:
Rostov waved his cap above his head like the German and ctied laughing, "Und vivat die ganze Welt!" Though neither the German cleaning his cowshed nor Rostov back with his platoon from foraging for hay had any reason for rejoicing, they looked at each other with joyful delight and brotherly love, wagged their heads in token of their mutual affection, and parted smiling, the German returning to his cowshed and Rostov going to the cottage he occupied with Denisov.
A young man asked Jerry to bring his trap into the meadow, and he would tie me up in the cowshed; he wished he had a better stable to offer.
An old woman suddenly appeared on the threshold of one of the cabins, and the young peasant girl passed on into a cowshed, with a gesture that pointed out the aforesaid old woman, towards whom Genestas went; taking care at the same time to keep a tight hold on his horse, lest the children who were already running about under his hoofs should be hurt.
A few minutes afterwards the woman went to the cowshed, and through a crack in the wall she saw in the stable adjoining he had made a noose of his sash from the beam, stood on a block of wood, and was trying to put his neck in the noose.
Each hostel for the hoofed guests will have drinking water facilities and fields for grazing, so they won't face the hunger that is said to be the most common problem with most private cowsheds.
20 million for setting up cowsheds on the compounds of 12 district jails of Uttar Pradesh.
He said that the troops had set afire his and his brother's, houses, cowsheds and stole gold ornaments.
Lizzie's Farm, which is part of Chadwich Manor Farm, is throwing open its gates and cowsheds as part of a national event, Open Farm Sunday.
Not so much a minibreak of ooh-la-la in Paris, more a look at the people who cross the Channel to spend time in barns, cowsheds and attics (each to their own) to find antiques to bring home.
He even manage| ofind hidden treasures in farm cowsheds!