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And so, like all my fellow coughers out there, we plod on.
Of 124 sputum samples collected from chronic coughers 4 (3.2%) culture positives (2 of them were M.
A prescription says to the world (or at least all the coughers in the waiting room) that you are genuinely sick, as sick as you thought you were, and not just a paranoid time-waster with too much access to internet selfdiagnosis sites.
Rock dust & black backs & hacks of coughers, the dream rises in the Frenchman's Africa mind,--Invalids are always loved--The Red Sea in June, the coast clanks of Arabia--Havar, Havar, the magic trading post --Aden, Aden, South of Bedouin-- Ogaden, Ogaden, never known--(Meanwhile Verlaine sits in Paris over cognacs wondering what Arthur looks like now, & how bleak their eyebrows because they believed in earlier eyebrow beauty-- Who cares?
The headline read "Coughers, Kvetchers and Other Stars in the Seats." Other dillies include "The Muse Who Sold Shmattes" (about Ron Rifkin), "Shaking Things Up in Broadway's Shtetl" and a dance review which read "A Mishmash of 2 Forms." Back in the 2005-6 season a review of an LA opera headlined "Shlemiel!
In-flight measures could include ill passengers wearing masks to protect others (airlines might even offer these to coughers); coughing into sleeves for those not wearing masks; refraining from touching one's face (wearing a mask helps here); periodically sanitizing your hands and surrounding hard surfaces such as the tray table and armrests; refraining from facing nearby passengers when talking; using a face mask to raise the humidity in your breathing zone if nasal passages are dry; wearing a mask if in an aisle seat or near a washroom; and turning on and pointing overhead air vents to make the air jet flow between you and nearby passengers (do not point it at your face and entrain your neighbor's breath into your breathing zone).
Microphones would be placed around arrival areas and linked to a central control to identify the location of persistent coughers.
There are no planets moving through your sign other than the Moon form July 13-15 and August 9-11 so during these dates bump up your vitamin C and avoid coughers and sneezers.You are blessed with a sporty nature something some other signs envy so get out, get involved, get down and give me 20 press-ups now!
of sound." (as though my perspective had radically, as though i were tactile, malleably, i had never wandered as deeply, as knowingly; that a particular forest, that i was drifting "downwind.") they were chasing a 20th Century, Fox, an adage, in the Blitzkrieg, with the Luftwaffe coughers.
It concerns a chap who regularly attends concerts at London's Royal Festival Hall and becomes increasingly obsessed with coughers in the audience.
Screening by chest radiography either periodically in all residents or specifically in symptomatic persons (e.g., chronic coughers) is likely to be the most cost-effective approach, as was demonstrated in a jail setting (26).