References in classic literature ?
Nothing can be a stronger proof of the malignant quality of the air than that the rust will immediately corrode both the iron and brass if they are not carefully covered with straw.
"Very likely," says the doctor: "I have known people eat in a fever; and it is very easily accounted for; because the acidity occasioned by the febrile matter may stimulate the nerves of the diaphragm, and thereby occasion a craving which will not be easily distinguishable from a natural appetite; but the aliment will not be concreted, nor assimilated into chyle, and so will corrode the vascular orifices, and thus will aggravate the febrific symptoms.
And this at, the end of it all, lined with boilerplate that even alcohol will not corrode and that only alcohol will tickle.
If a battery corrodes enough, the outer shell can breach, causing electrolytes to leak out and damage battery-powered devices.