References in classic literature ?
Well, I set to work upon the copying, and executed it cleanly and well, except for the fact that, whether the devil confused my mind, or a mysterious fate so ordained, or the occurrence was simply bound to happen, I left out a whole line of the document, and thus made nonsense of it!
I immediately commenced copying them, and in a short time was able to make the four letters named.
I suppose painters will go on copying it as long as any of the original is left visible to the eye.
But she had succeeded in making it a matter of course that she should take her place at an early hour in the library and have work either of reading aloud or copying assigned her.
She began to work at once, and her hand did not tremble; on the contrary, in writing out the quotations which had been given to her the day before, she felt that she was forming her letters beautifully, and it seemed to her that she saw the construction of the Latin she was copying, and which she was beginning to understand, more clearly than usual.
Rose could not make out what it was, and her curiosity was greatly excited, for Phebe was writing with a sputtering pen on some bits of brown paper, apparently copying something from a little book.
If an organization does not require prepayment, and the requester does not prepay, the organization must receive his or her consent before providing copies when the copying and postage fee exceeds $20.
Low-end machines best suited for personal copying handle about 400 copies per month and produce 10 copies per minute.
However, that possibility alarms the recording industry, which has been championing an electronic system designed to prevent people from freely copying recorded music.
Someone reading it through Glassbooks' or Netlibrary's proprietary e-book technology--as required by the official downloadable versions-was prevented from copying any of the text or from printing it out.
It's all about 'rights management.' They want to raise a barrier to copying, and the idea of selling through a kiosk poses a challenge because they want to create each disk individually.
Under this type of license, installing and/or copying the program onto any additional computer is illegal.