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con·tent 1

1. often contents Something contained, as in a receptacle: the contents of my desk drawer; the contents of an aerosol can.
2. often contents
a. The individual items or topics that are dealt with in a publication or document: a table of contents.
b. The material, including text and images, that constitutes a publication or document.
a. The substance or significance of a written work, especially as contrasted with its form.
b. Information, such as text, video, and sound, usually as contrasted with its format of presentation: a television producer looking for content that was more entertaining.
4. The proportion of a specified substance: Eggs have a high protein content.

[Middle English, from Medieval Latin contentum, neuter past participle of Latin continēre, to contain; see contain.]

con·tent 2

1. Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied.
2. Ready to accept or acquiesce; willing: She was content to step down after four years as chief executive.
tr.v. con·tent·ed, con·tent·ing, con·tents
To make content or satisfied: contented himself with one piece of cake.
Contentment; satisfaction.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin contentus, past participle of continēre, to restrain; see contain.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.contents - a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they startcontents - a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they start
list, listing - a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
publication - a copy of a printed work offered for distribution
table, tabular array - a set of data arranged in rows and columns; "see table 1"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
فهرسمُحْتَوياتمُحْتَوَياتمُحْتَوَيات الكِتاب، فَهْرَس
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(ˈkontent) noun
1. the subject matter (of a book, speech etc). the content of his speech.
2. the amount of something contained. Oranges have a high vitamin C content.
ˈcontents noun plural
1. the things contained in something. He drank the contents of the bottle.
2. a list of the things contained especially in a book. Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُحْتَوَيات obsah indhold Inhalt περιεχόμενα contenido sisältö contenu sadržaj contenuto 目次 목차 inhoud innhold spis treści conteúdo содержимое innehåll จำนวนสิ่งของที่บรรจุอยู่ içindekiler vật chứa bên trong 所含之物
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
You wish the contents of the pouch I wear about my waist, and I wish my life and my liberty even more than I do the jewels.
The contents increased my wonder; for this is how the letter ran:
It happened one day that I passed a tree under which lay several dry gourds, and catching one up I amused myself with scooping out its contents and pressing into it the juice of several bunches of grapes which hung from every bush.
He locked himself again in the turret-room, and laid the opened chest on a table, and in the darkness began to unpack it, laying out the contents, which were mainly of metal and glass--great pieces in strange forms--on another table.
"Every psychical phenomenon is characterized by what the scholastics of the Middle Ages called the intentional (also the mental) inexistence of an object, and what we, although with not quite unambiguous expressions, would call relation to a content, direction towards an object (which is not here to be understood as a reality), or immanent objectivity.
In the first case, if inevitability were possible without freedom we should have reached a definition of inevitability by the laws of inevitability itself, that is, a mere form without content.
Contented, unambitious people are all very well in their way.
Since we cannot hope for reward, let us be content with what we have."
The term refers also to content, as in the case of a vessel and wheat, or of a jar and wine; a jar is said to 'have' wine, and a corn-measure wheat.
It was unsatisfactory, and I could not imagine that she would be content with me; I was not content with myself.
Some are blessed with a contented mind, some are wanderers by destiny.
The poor lieutenant was more peculiarly unhappy in this, that while he felt the effects of the enmity of his colonel, he neither knew, nor suspected, that he really bore him any; for he could not suspect an ill-will for which he was not conscious of giving any cause; and his wife, fearing what her husband's nice regard to his honour might have occasioned, contented herself with preserving her virtue without enjoying the triumphs of her conquest.