References in classic literature ?
I condole with her on the inevitable failure of every plan that she has formed for her sister's benefit.
Samson embraced him, and entreated him to let him hear of his good or evil fortunes, so that he might rejoice over the former or condole with him over the latter, as the laws of friendship required.
I absolutely depended on the volition of my Guide, who said in gloomy tones, "Heed not thy brother; haply thou shalt have ample time hereafter to condole with him.
"MY DEAR SIR,-- "I feel myself called upon, by our relationship, and my situation in life, to condole with you on the grievous affliction you are now suffering under, of which we were yesterday informed by a letter from Hertfordshire.
When I was respectably settled at home, this gentleman would not so much as look at me without a frown; and now, when I was a scamp, in prison, he mercifully and fraternally came to condole with me on my misfortunes.
"Monsieur Mouston," said D'Artagnan, "I should indeed condole with you had I not at this moment something very pressing to attend to."
Everybody who knew them hastened to call, many from a real regard, but more from mere curiosity to "see how they took it." This was one of the hardest things they had to bear, and Tom used strong language more than once, when some fine lady came to condole, and went away to gossip.
I had entered her presence intending to condole with her upon the wickedness of the world, and help her to abuse the vicar and his vile informants, but now I felt positively ashamed to mention the subject, and determined not to refer to it, unless she led the way.
Cruncher did not assist at the closing sports, but had remained behind in the churchyard, to confer and condole with the undertakers.
For three or four days I remain at home, a very ill-looking subject, with a green shade over my eyes; and I should be very dull, but that Agnes is a sister to me, and condoles with me, and reads to me, and makes the time light and happy.
The Ruler and Crown Prince of Ras Al Khaimah condole @HamdanMohammed and Maktoum bin Mohammed on the death of Sheikh Mansour bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani.
Followed closely the situation after I was informed of the unfortunate incident and, now, deeply condole with the family of Mzee Mambala, his peers and friends for the grave loss of a loved one.